Are You Following These 10 Bitcoin Traders on Twitter?

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7 min readOct 31, 2018

Twitter is a hugely popular venue for talking crypto, but not everyone who posts about Bitcoin on Twitter truly has the expertise they claim.

For the most part, those with actual Bitcoin trading expertise have learned from experience: they actively buy and sell the cryptocurrency in the hopes of making an ongoing profit, whether they’re a day-trader or an institutional investor. Those who’ve spent years trading Bitcoin have plenty to teach others, and paying attention to them could get you just the edge you need.

We’ve selected 10 Twitter accounts of especially salient Bitcoin traders to share with you based on the following three criteria:

  • Informative: The feed regularly features technical analysis, in-depth exploration of various facets of crypto, or other useful knowledge.
  • In the loop: The feed includes insight and commentary about current events in the world of crypto, possibly including breaking news or other unique updates.
  • Predictive: The feed includes predictions and forecasts about crypto, a reasonable percentage of which have proven accurate.

Consider following these ten successful, insightful — and often entertaining — Bitcoin traders on Twitter. You might end up learning things that could potentially inform your future Bitcoin trades.

1. Andreas M. Antonopoulos (@aantonop)

Feed criteria: informative

Commonly tweets about: blockchain technology; Bitcoin

The author of Mastering Bitcoin is a well-known cryptocurrency expert, and he’s made it onto CoinDesk’s list of most influential people in cryptocurrency quite a few times. Antonopoulos’ Twitter feed often highlights posts and videos that explore the nature of cryptocurrency and blockchain and spell out how various aspects work. He’s even served as an expert witness in cryptocurrency-related hearings, including the Australian Senate Banking Committee.

Follow him if: you want to develop a deep understanding of the technical and academic background behind cryptocurrency and blockchain.

2. WhalePanda (@WhalePanda)

Feed criteria: in the loop; predictive

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin

WhalePanda is a Belgian crypto investor who’s been involved in Bitcoin since 2014 and is a devout Bitcoin maximalist. He is one of the more controversial traders on this list (case in point: his statement at Baltic Honeybadger 2018 that 90% of traders are losing money and should get out), but he’s also a legend in the crypto community. He frequently posts about crypto innovations long before they’ve entered the mainstream.

Follow him if: you want to be on top of everything that’s happening in the crypto industry the moment it happens, and if you have a good sense of humor.

3. Vinny Lingham (@VinnyLingham)

Feed criteria: in the loop; predictive

Commonly Tweets about: blockchain technology; Bitcoin

The “Bitcoin Oracle” and co-founder of Civic, a blockchain identity management startup, Lingham is best known for his eerily accurate Bitcoin price predictions. Ironically, Lingham sold the bulk of his Bitcoin holdings in early 2017 at a mere $1250 apiece. Despite that fact, he’s frequently solicited to speak at crypto events and his forecasts still have a habit of coming true. For example, in the below tweet, Lingham expressed a bearish outlook on Bitcoin ETF approval in August; sure enough, the approval fell through.

Follow him if: you want to learn more about blockchain, and also get to be one of the first to hear the Oracle’s next crypto prediction.

4. Luke Martin (@VentureCoinist)

Feed criteria: informative; predictive

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin; altcoins

A renowned Bitcoin trader and host of Coin Chat, a YouTube series about all things cryptocurrency. He’s also the founder of VentureCoinist, a members-only crypto analysis and trading information website. Martin’s Twitter feed often features charts and analysis of various cryptoassets’ performance. In the below tweet, he explains his approach for assessing altcoin value.

Follow him if: you favor technical analysis and want to get an expert opinion on what recent price movements might indicate.

5. Sicarious (@sicarious_)

Feed criteria: predictive; in the loop

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin; Ethereum

This semi-retired crypto trader doesn’t share much information about his private life (according to Sicarious’ Twitter profile, he is located on the moon), but there’s no mystery about the fact that Sicarious is a crypto expert. This Twitter feed generally features commentary, charts, and chitchat. Sicarious is also generous about sharing information about his own trades, which gives his followers the opportunity to copy those moves.

Follow him if: you want advice on crypto trades from a professional trader.

6. Anondran (@anondran)

Feed criteria: predictive; in the loop

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin; altcoins

A crypto analyst and trader who uses Twitter as the sole outlet for his commentary. Anondran describes himself as a “blockchain enthusiast” and frequently tweets predictions about both Bitcoin and altcoins, as well as commentary on recent crypto-related events.

Follow him if: you want some forecasts to provide context as you plan upcoming crypto trades.

7. Ran Neu-Ner (@cryptomanran)

Feed criteria: in the loop

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin

Host of the CNBC Africa show Crypto Trader and founder of Onchain Capital, a Bitcoin investment firm. He’s been posting about crypto on Twitter since 2009, and he boasts that he had four good calls in the last bull market. Since he doesn’t make predictions very often, that’s a pretty good record.

Follow him if: you enjoy crypto-related polls and contests; both are heavily featured on his Twitter feed.

8. Crypto Yoda (@CryptoYoda1338)

Feed criteria: predictive; in the loop

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin; altcoins

This trader posts mostly technical analysis and discussion of crypto-related news — his Twitter feed is very chart-heavy. He is also known for accurately identifying early entry signals. For more in-depth analysis, you can also pay a visit to Crypto Yoda’s WordPress site, where he goes into considerably more detail on many of the topics he tweets about.

Follow him if: you love playing with data, especially when they relate to cryptocurrency.

9. Michael Novogratz (@novogratz)

Feed criteria: in the loop; predictive

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin

The self-proclaimed “King of Bitcoin” may have run into trouble with his bitcoin hedge fund attempts, but this bullish trader is still very much in the game. Novogratz is the CEO of Galaxy Digital, a VC firm specializing in blockchain startups. He frequently participates in finance and crypto-related conferences and discusses them on his Twitter feed. He’s also known to make predictions like the below example, which has proven correct so far.

Follow him if: you like to get commentary about crypto events, along with occasional predictions.

10. Alvin Lee (@onemanatatime)

Feed criteria: informative; predictive

Commonly tweets about: Bitcoin

A veteran cryptocurrency trader, Lee is the hand behind the Aluna Crypto Currency & Trading blog, which posts strategy and tactics for crypto traders. He does a great deal of retweeting, but he also periodically makes predictions, provides resources, and shares his own technical analyses on his Twitter feed.

Follow him if: you want a curated look at what other crypto experts on Twitter are saying, along with useful bits and pieces from the man himself.

Twitter as a Bitcoin trading resource

Whether or not you agree with each of the above traders — and it’s unlikely you’ll agree with all of them — hearing what they have to say can give you a new perspective on Bitcoin and may even inspire you to explore new trading tactics. At the very least, it will help you stay connected with what’s happening in the world of Bitcoin.

And once you’ve got your Twitter feed properly tailored, head over to your SFOX account to get the best execution on every Bitcoin trade you make.

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