Submit a story to

Geoff Stevens
Published in
2 min readOct 21, 2022 is a community and space for engineering leaders to share their ideas, advice, and resources on building effective engineering teams. Our goal is to improve our craft through meaningful conversations about our challenges and successes.

How to submit an article

We like to keep our submission process as straightforward and lightweight as possible.

  1. Email with a link to your story on Medium, preferably as an unpublished draft.
  2. If your article meets our criteria, our team will add you as a writer.
  3. We will make light edits to your story for clarity, if necessary.
  4. We publish your story and promote it across social media and our community.

You retain complete ownership of your story. You are welcome to cross-post or share it elsewhere. We only ask that you make sure to add canonical links back to the original.

What we look for

Above all, we look for stories that spark curiosity and stay true to your voice and experience.

  • Well-written
  • Insightful and thought-provoking
  • Interesting to our audience
  • Authentic

Things we write about

We cover a broad range of topics related to engineering leadership. A few ideas to get you started:

  • Engineering culture
  • Leadership
  • Mentoring, feedback
  • Hiring, onboarding
  • Developer experience
  • Velocity, productivity
  • Code Reviews
  • Documentation

Don’t see a topic you’re writing about? Don’t worry — we’re open to new ideas and would love to hear from you.

