Healthcare Scholarships: Should you apply?

Charlene Wang
Published in
6 min readDec 16, 2021

If you clicked on this article, it means that you’re either an avid consumer of our articles here at SGExams (thanks btw), or you’re prospective student looking for a career in the healthcare sector. In collaboration with MOH Holdings (MOHH), I’m here to share with teenagers like you on how you can get a healthcare scholarship while you embark on a career in the healthcare sector.


The scholarships essentially sponsor your entire academic journey in the various healthcare disciplines. Be it in local universities or overseas universities, the scholarship will cover things like tuition fees and monthly allowances. It also covers additional benefits such as pre-study allowances, sponsorship for approved developmental programmes, commencement and distinction awards. There’s also a Scholars’ Development Framework which does feature quite a bit of cool perks.

There are several healthcare disciplines you can choose from. It ranges from nursing and pharmacy, all the way to allied health ones such as physiotherapy and diagnostic radiography. The full list of disciplines that the scholarships offer can be found here.


Interested students can apply for the scholarship through the BrightSparks portal links under the various Healthcare Scholarship Schemes on the Healthcare Scholarships website. We found out that the selection process is rather straightforward, with most applicants undergoing one round of interviews, while others may be required to undergo additional attachments in hospitals to further establish their sustainability for the chosen profession. The scholarships are awarded based on merit, and candidates will be assessed based on the eligibility criteria.


To gain a deeper insight into the interview process, as well as the healthcare sector in general, I interviewed three scholars — Sherlyn, Syasya and Henry.

Sherlyn graduated from Ngee Ann Polytechnic with a Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology, and is currently studying Diagnostic Radiography at the Singapore Institute of Technology. She was awarded the Healthcare Merit Award in 2020.

She said that, “The scholarship offers many wonderful opportunities, such as the opportunity to meet other like-minded healthcare professionals in the sector through the events and sessions organised by MOHH. It allows us to expand our networks and learn from one another. This is one of the main factors that attracted me to the scholarship”.

Regarding her interview, she shared that it was held over Zoom due to the Circuit Breaker.

“It was relatively okay and not as stressful as I had imagined it to be. There were definitely a couple of tough questions which required lots of thought but other than that, the interview process was quite smooth,” Sherlyn explained.

The questions asked were centered around Sherlyn’s thoughts on the Singapore healthcare system, the diagnostic radiography discipline and the roles and responsibilities of a healthcare scholar.

When asked why she decided to switch into more of a frontline job in the healthcare sector as opposed to her Diploma in Molecular Biotechnology, she shared that it was only after graduation that she started to spend more time thinking about where her true passions laid. She knew she wanted to do more frontline work, as she wanted to see the impact she could make on society by improving people’s lives, which solidified the jump across disciplines for her.

Next up is Syasya, who graduated from Nanyang Polytechnic with a Diploma in Pharmaceutical Sciences. Syasya was awarded the Healthcare Merit Award in 2020 and is currently studying Nursing at the National University of Singapore. Unlike Sherlyn, Syasya shared that she was always interested in the healthcare sector. Recalling her childhood that consisted of watching medical documentaries on the Lifestyle channel, enthralled by how the medical staff acted under pressure amidst the many challenges they faced everyday. (Kinda like how we all watched 20 seasons of Grey’s Anatomy and collectively made Meredith Grey our role model).

Amongst the many experiences that piqued Syasya’s interest in healthcare, a turning point in Syasya’s life was her mother’s open heart surgery in 2018. Though Syasya was disheartened from watching how her mother was suffering after her surgery, the nurses there eased all her worries, and took the best care of her mother. The way the nurses administered her medication, to making sure her mother was comfortable during her recovery, reassured Syasya that her mother was in safe hands, fuelling her desire to have a career that would make a positive impact on many lives.

Now, in her second year of her studies and experiencing many clinical attachments, one thing she took away from nursing was that there is always room to learn and grow, and that every clinical experience was a new adventure filled with meaningful lessons.

“These experiences are ones that I hold close to my heart and are reminders for me about the goal I am working towards: to be able to help those who are unable to help themselves”. Syasya shared.

That phrase really resonated with me the most, as it showed how during a tough time in her life after her mother’s surgery, she took influence from the nurses around her and molded that into an experience that powered her to become a nurse herself, in order to spread more good in the world.

Finally, we come to Henry, who comes from a Junior College. He graduated from the University of Sydney with a Degree in Physiotherapy and shared that his interest in the healthcare sector was sparked because of his sister. Henry was awarded the Healthcare Merit Award in 2014 and is currently working as a Physiotherapist at Ng Teng Fong General Hospital.

“I wanted to be a Geography major if it wasn’t for my sister piquing my attention in healthcare”.

However, the thing that really stuck with him the most, and encouraged him to take on the scholarship was when he was observing a physiotherapist work his “magic” at Tan Tock Seng Hospital (TTSH) with amputees.

Henry shared that, “The way he bantered with not one but three patients simultaneously, eating his breakfast, absorbing the intricacies of patient conditions, and securing future appointments for patients put me in a place of absolute awe.”

“​​It made me ask myself, “Who am I, and will I be just as capable, inspiring, and reassuring as this person?” I don’t think I’ve gotten my answer yet, but I know that I’m many steps closer with this scholarship.”


When asked about advice they had for people who want to aim for the scholarship, they all shared crucial pieces of advice. Syasya shared with me that people should just go for it, despite how stiff the competition may seem. She herself had doubts whether she would be able to get it, as she did not see herself as a scholar. But now, this scholarship has enabled her to pursue her studies in a field she’s deeply passionate about. It’s also important to plan ahead and focus on your end goal. While passion is important, it’s also important to work hard, and to always have faith in yourself.

Sherlyn also shared that one should have faith in themselves and do adequate research about the field that you’re applying to study for, and to always be passionate and certain about what you do.

Henry’s take on this is that, “If you are here just to secure a free higher education, forget about it. You’ll live to regret a good period of your life with this mindset. Should you get the scholarship, be ready to have your life changed. Serving the health of the Singapore public is a noble cause”.

The three of them have different pieces of advice, but the root of all of it is that one should have the passion and the drive to pursue a career in the healthcare sector.

The stories I shared in this article are just three of the many lives that have been changed for good because of Healthcare Scholarships. Essentially, to be awarded the healthcare scholarships and be a leader in the healthcare sector is something that is achievable. You just need to be passionate about a career in healthcare, do the research and be determined to work hard.

This story was written in collaboration with MOH Holdings (MOHH). If this has piqued your interest in taking up healthcare scholarships with MOHH, do join our Healthcare Webinar — Scholarships and Careers sharing on 19 Dec (Sunday), 3:00pm to 4:30pm. You can sign up here.



Charlene Wang
Writer for

words enter my brain and i form somewhat coherent sentences with them