SGV-G — The new way of generate energy developed in Chile

SGV-G Technology
Published in
2 min readJan 26, 2018

A new way of generating energy has been developed in Chile. A project with more than 10 years of duration has delivered a successful result, the solution for the energy generation of tomorrow. Dr. Wolf Weber together with a team of engineers and researchers have developed the way to obtain energy from the gravity of our planet.

A really impressive result that already has more than 9,000 equipment sold worldwide, now the German Corporation of Charity and Development CPS, owner of the Technology SGV-G seeks through a crowdfunding of cryptocurrencies the lifting of the first factory in Germany .

This future factory seeks to be financed through an ICO that will be open to the public in February of this year, will accept payments in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin, Ethereum among others.

With this first Factory, Dr. Weber wants to deliver to the world a world-class innovation that will finally be the definitive solution for the generation of renewable energies, this time occupying gravity as a permanent source of energy available in all parts of our planet.

The SGV-G Technology protected in all countries of the world by the German Corporation of Charity and Development CPS, is a technology that is based on the breaking of the pressure balance between gravity and atmospheric pressure, where Dr Weber together with Engineers have intervened equilibrium through a vacuum that is channeled precisely to allow the use of the pressure exerted by gravity on our planet.



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