Is your ministry team the brick phone in a smartphone world?

Matt Lombardi
Share Blog
Published in
3 min readAug 12, 2020


In 1985 Motorola debuted the first-ever cell phone.

Dubbed the DynaTAC8000X, this behemoth took ten hours to charge, had about thirty minutes of talk time, and (adjusting for inflation) cost $9800.

The thing was huge, affectionately earning the title of “brick phone” for reasons that should be obvious from the photo below.

Besides some small additional features, this is pretty much how cell phones looked and functioned up until the days of the iPhone. Sure we added texting and got nifty designs like the flip phone, Razr, and Blackberry. But they all pretty much did the same things. Made phone calls and sent texts.

Then the iPhone came along and changed the game. Why? Because it combined everything you needed into one device. No more hauling around a flashlight, a music player, a computer, a GPS, etc. Now you just had one iPhone and all for significantly cheaper (the iPhone 11 is $800) than the old brick phone.

That brings me to the way most ministries build their teams. We all know that we’ve entered a new era in the way ministry has to happen. In some ways, the pandemic has simply moved the church from behind the curve into the future.

Brick phones were expensive, large and cumbersome. They were limited in what they could do and how they could function. We needed more from them than they had to give. That’s why smart phones have revolutionized the world.

Churches need flexibility in their teams that full-time, inflexible and costly positions may not be able to afford right now. Churches need a smart phone.

Pastoral positions will always be the heart of a church. Like the phone will always make calls and receive messages, the church will always need a pastor. Creative and support positions have a lot more leeway. They need to be flexible. Especially since the creative departments have been the most taxed since COVID hit and the first to be cut, in many cases, due to low funds.

What do you do when you need your phone to do something different? Look for an app. What do you do if it doesn’t work? Uninstall and try something else.

Share provides churches with a smart phone, full of apps and brimming with potential. The freelancers at Share give churches the opportunity to try something new and make quick changes without worrying about firing staff or getting locked into a long-term commitment.

Churches can try out a project to see if it works without burning out their team. They can cut what doesn’t work. They can see what’s productive and efficient. They can access creatives, affordably. The church can experiment. The church can grow

Miss the feeling of a new phone in your hand? Check out how Share can bring your church into the future.



Matt Lombardi
Share Blog

Founder and CEO at On a mission to help churches and faith-driven non profits work smarter.