How to Increase Productivity as a Creator

Shade, Inc.
Published in
4 min readAug 25, 2023

Crafting captivating content may seem straightforward from an outsider’s perspective, but delving into the behind-the-scenes complexities reveals a different story. The pressure of adhering to various platforms and trends can take a toll on creators. For context, today’s suggested posting schedule for prominent social media platforms might look like this:

  • TikTok: 1 to 4 posts per day
  • Instagram: 2 posts per day
  • Twitter: 3 posts per day
  • Facebook: 2 posts per day
  • LinkedIn: 1 post per day

Cumulatively, this adds up to 10 to 13 posts daily, equating to 70 to 91 weekly posts and over 250 monthly posts. 🤯

Factors such as audience and content type come into play to vary these numbers. However, these recommendations are designed with growth in mind. In this article, we will delve into some top suggestions for enhancing productivity for effective social media account growth.

Automate or Outsource Wherever Possible

Time is a precious resource, and creators often find themselves juggling multiple tasks that can be automated or outsourced. While you can’t force creativity to conform to productivity, you can streamline other aspects of the content publishing process.

Utilizing tools and services to automate posting, scheduling, and engagement on platforms can free up valuable hours that can be redirected toward content creation. Likewise, outsourcing tasks like editing, graphic design, or transcribing can help creators focus on their strengths and spend more time doing what they do best.

Apart from automated posting using tools such as Buffer, other tasks that can be automated or outsourced include:

Prioritize the Platforms You Prefer

In an era of ever-expanding digital platforms and content formats, it’s easy to feel pressured to be present everywhere. However, spreading yourself too thin can lead to burnout and diluted content quality. Instead of trying to conquer every platform, focus on the ones you genuinely enjoy and that align with your content style. Whether it’s long-form blog posts, YouTube videos, Instagram reels, or Twitter threads, your passion for a specific format will shine through, capturing your audience’s attention and allowing you to produce more engaging content.

Experimenting with different platforms remains worthwhile, enhancing skill sets. Yet, a productive approach is to determine which platforms and formats make the best use of your talents and interlace them with your passions.

Adopt a Strategy to Improve Your Focus

Creators juggle various roles — entrepreneurs, social media managers, video editors — wrapped into one. Even with outsourcing and automation, content creation remains your responsibility.

Procrastination and burnout are common foes of productivity. Seasoned creators advocate adopting strategies that streamline tasks and bolster focus in the content creation journey.

Tools like Asana or Trello aid task management, while YouTube teems with tutorials on optimizing Notion usage. Simpler focus-enhancing techniques involve crafting to-do lists or employing apps like Todoist.

Techniques like the Pomodoro Technique, time blocking, or setting specific goals for each work session can help you stay on track and make the most of your creative time. Disconnecting from notifications and carving out designated periods for deep work can foster a conducive environment for creative flow.

Keep Your Eye on the Goal — Creating Better Content

Irrespective of the chosen productivity path, remember the ultimate goal: fostering better content. If the multitude of apps or methods becomes a diversion, their utility diminishes. Regardless of the approach, the primary objective is to dedicate time to delving deeper into creativity.

It’s easy to get caught up in metrics and views, but remember that growth is a gradual process, and by consistently focusing on honing your craft, you’ll naturally attract a more engaged and loyal audience.


In conclusion, increasing creator productivity is a multifaceted endeavor that requires a blend of strategic thinking, self-awareness, and dedication. By automating or outsourcing tasks, embracing platforms and formats you’re passionate about, adopting focus-enhancing techniques, and always keeping your content quality as the North Star, you’ll be well on your way to crafting content that resonates deeply with your audience. Remember, productivity isn’t just about churning out more; it’s about creating content that leaves a lasting impact.

