Day 3: The Mask We Wear — Shadow Work Exercise for the Persona

Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work
Published in
2 min readFeb 27, 2024

Imagine the persona you present to the world.

Picture yourself as others see you. Maybe you’re the reliable one, always composed, always ready. Or perhaps you’re the life of the party, the one with the ever-ready smile and the infectious laugh. This image, it’s like a suit you put on every morning. Comfortable. Familiar.

But let’s go deeper. What about the parts of you that don’t make it into this public persona? The insecurities, the fears, maybe even dreams you think are too big or too silly. These hidden fragments, you tuck them away. Why? Is it fear of judgment? Or maybe a worry that they won’t fit into the puzzle of who you think you should be?

Here’s the thing: acknowledging these hidden parts of ourselves is a courageous act. It’s not about discarding the persona you’ve crafted; it’s about enriching it. By understanding and embracing the full spectrum of who you are, you open up a space for genuine connection — with yourself and with others.

It’s a journey, this process of unmasking and revealing. It can be tough, sure. But it’s also liberating. Imagine a life where you’re free to be your whole, authentic self. A life where the parts of you that you’ve hidden away become your strengths, not your secrets.

This is the path to a more authentic and fulfilling life. A life lived in technicolor, not just black and white.

P.S. This post was inspired by the insightful questions in the “365 Days of Journaling for Deep Shadow Work” by Ryan Puusaari, available on Amazon. This series encourages deep introspection and self-discovery, guiding you to uncover and embrace all aspects of your being.



Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work

Dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious shadow aspects.