Day 5: Emotional Undercurrents — Hard-Hitting Shadow Work Exercise

Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work
Published in
2 min readFeb 29, 2024

Recall a moment of intense emotion.

Maybe it was a burst of anger over something trivial, or an unexpected wave of sadness on a sunny day. We’ve all been there, in the grip of emotions so strong they seem to come from nowhere. But do they really?

Let’s take a step back. Think about that moment. What deeper feelings might have been stirring underneath? It could be something you’ve been pushing aside for a while. Maybe it’s a fear you didn’t want to face, or a long-lost dream you gave up on. Sometimes, our most intense emotions are just the tip of an iceberg, with so much more hidden beneath the surface.

Now, consider how these feelings might be linked to your shadow self. That’s the part of you that you don’t always see, the part that holds your unspoken dreams, fears, and desires. It’s like a silent companion, influencing you in ways you don’t always realize.

Acknowledging this can be eye-opening. It’s not just about the emotion itself, but what it represents. Understanding this connection can bring you closer to your true self, helping you to react not just with instinct, but with insight.

It’s a journey, this exploration of the shadow self. It’s about understanding who you are, beneath all the layers. And it’s worth it. Because the more you know about yourself, the more you can navigate life with clarity and purpose.

P.S. This contemplation was inspired by the insightful prompts in the “365 Days of Journaling for Deep Shadow Work” by Ryan Puusaari, available on Amazon. These prompts guide you in exploring the hidden aspects of your psyche, helping you to understand how your shadow self influences your emotional world.



Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work

Dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious shadow aspects.