Day 6: The Inner Critic — Self-Criticism Shadow Work Exercise

Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2024


Listen to your internal dialogue during a challenging moment.

It’s in these tough times that our inner voice speaks the loudest. Maybe it’s when you’re struggling with a work project, or when a personal plan falls apart. In these moments, what does that voice inside your head say?

This voice, it can be a critic or a coach. Sometimes it whispers doubts, fears, or judgments. “You’re not good enough,” it might say. Or “You always mess things up.” It’s tough to hear, isn’t it? But stay with it for a moment.

What does this inner voice say about your shadow self? That hidden part of you that you might not show the world. The part that holds insecurities, past hurts, unfulfilled dreams. These whispers are not just random thoughts; they’re echoes of your deeper self, parts of you that you might not be fully acknowledging.

Understanding this inner critic is like holding up a mirror to your shadow self. It’s not about silencing this voice, but rather understanding why it says what it says. It’s about compassionately acknowledging these hidden aspects and learning from them.

This reflection is more than just self-analysis; it’s a step towards healing and growth. By understanding your inner dialogue, you start to understand the complex layers of your personality. You begin to see yourself in a fuller, more compassionate light.

P.S. This exploration was inspired by the “365 Days of Journaling for Deep Shadow Work” by Ryan Puusaari, available on Amazon. These prompts guide you in delving into the deeper aspects of your psyche, helping you to uncover and understand the influence of your shadow self on your inner dialogue.



Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work

Dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious shadow aspects.