Day 8: The Forbidden Fruit — Shadow Work Exercise

Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work
Published in
2 min readMar 3, 2024

Contemplate a desire you feel guilty about.

We’ve all had those moments. Those desires that bubble up, leaving us feeling a bit guilty. Maybe it’s a dream you think is too ambitious, or a longing for something that seems selfish. Whatever it is, it’s a part of you.

Think about this desire. How does it reflect a part of your identity that you’ve been suppressing? It could be a need for creative expression, or a deep-seated yearning for adventure. These desires are like whispers from your inner self, often ignored or pushed aside because they don’t fit with the image you’ve created for yourself.

Now, what does this tell you about your deeper needs and wants? This guilty desire might be a clue to something you’re missing in life. Maybe it’s an indication of a neglected aspect of your personality or a hint at what truly makes you feel fulfilled and happy.

Reflecting on these feelings can be a powerful tool in reconciling internal conflicts. It’s about understanding and accepting every part of yourself, even the desires you feel guilty about. Embracing these hidden facets can lead to a more authentic, balanced life, where your actions align with your true self.

P.S. This thoughtful contemplation was inspired by the “365 Days of Journaling for Deep Shadow Work” by Ryan Puusaari, available on Amazon. These prompts guide you through exploring and understanding the suppressed parts of your identity, helping to uncover and reconcile your deepest needs and wants.



Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work

Dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious shadow aspects.