The Hidden You: Shadow Work Exercise Day 1

Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2024

Have you ever caught yourself in a moment, acting in a way that seemed so unlike the ‘you’ that you know? It’s like watching a stranger with your face, saying things you wouldn’t, or doing something that feels out of alignment with your core.

Think back.

Maybe it was a sudden outburst of anger in a situation where you’re usually the epitome of calm. Or perhaps it was a decision so impulsively reckless that it left you wondering, “Was that really me?” These are the moments, startling and raw, that offer a glimpse into the hidden corridors of our psyche.

What emotions or thoughts were you suppressing that might have influenced this behavior? It’s a question that echoes in the silence after such incidents. Often, we bury feelings deep down — fear, frustration, unmet desires — they simmer under the surface. Then, in a fleeting second of losing control, they surge up, pushing us into actions that seem foreign to our nature.

How did this moment reveal a part of you that you usually keep hidden? It’s like looking into a mirror and seeing the shadow behind the reflection. It’s you, but not the you that everyone sees. It’s the you that’s been waiting in the wings, overshadowed by the persona you present to the world.

Understanding these moments can help you recognize patterns in your shadow self. This isn’t about self-judgment or regret. It’s about introspection and growth. By acknowledging these hidden parts, we begin a journey of self-discovery. A journey that takes courage and honesty, but one that leads to a deeper, more authentic connection with ourselves.

Embrace this exploration. It’s not just about unearthing the parts of ourselves that we’ve kept in the shadows; it’s also about understanding and integrating them. This is how we grow, how we evolve, and how we become more whole.

P.S. This post was inspired by the insightful questions found in the “365 Days of Journaling for Deep Shadow Work” by Ryan Puusaari. A remarkable resource available on Amazon, it’s designed to guide you through the intricate process of understanding and embracing every aspect of your being.



Ryan Puusaari
Shadow Work

Dedicated to guiding individuals towards self-realization through the integration of their unconscious shadow aspects.