kriselda gray
Shadows in Wonderland
2 min readFeb 7, 2017


Kellyanne Conway has been trying to blame her claim of a massacre in Bowling Green, Kentucky, on a slip of a tongue, but today we learn that it wasn’t the first time shed made mention of it. So, either the comment was a pre-planned lie, or Conway needs to see a doctor about all the excess oil in her mouth that keeps making her tongue fall off-track.

I’m betting it’s the former option, personally.

As I mentioned previously, neither of the excuses Conway has made for her verbal banana peel make any sense. First she said that she meant to say they were the “masterminds behind the BG Massacre” but how does one “mastermind” a terrorist? You don’t. You mastermind the plot. Her second excuse — that they were the masterminds of the BG Massacre plot” — doesn’t work either as there was no plot by these guys to kill anyone in Bowling Green.

Getting caught in a lie won’t do anything goes to deter her, though. Lying is her natural language, and it helps her client boss by tossing convenient — if false — excuses to his base so they can better ignore the actual facts.

While some journalists have been saying they have to keep interviewing Conway — that they have to take what the White House gives them. I strongly disagree.

If journalists refuse to interview Conway, Trump will eventually have to start sending out someone else because he needs the mainstream media, whether he likes them or not. If he truly believed he didn’t, he’d stop sending anyone out to speak with them. So legitimate journalists have some leverage here. “Give us some one else, or you’re side of the story goes untold.” Granted, whoever came next might be no better, but s/he could hardly be worse.

Kellyanne Conway said she misspoke “one word” on MSNBC’s “Hardball” last week. But it turns out that she had mentioned the made-up “Bowling Green massacre” at least once before.

Cosmopolitan’s Kristen Mascia reported Monday that Conway brought up the “masterminds behind the Bowling Green massacre” in a January 29 telephone interview. Cosmo didn’t print the quote at the time.


“I was trying to mow through a list of fact checking and follow-up questions that day and had little time to follow her down her usual rabbit holes,” Mascia wrote on Facebook Monday.

Later, working with her editors, “we made an editorial choice not to churn out misinformation into the atmosphere without doing proper digging,” she wrote.

