Democracy Comes to Ratings with Reusable Short Stories

Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp
Published in
2 min readApr 9, 2021

I stare and blink at the glowing screen. Littered with golden stars followed by text full of why. Each review expressed through the lens of someone’s intimate experience. I skim the texts. A dozen reviews, out of hundreds. Hoping to relate. Hoping to form a useful opinion.

Indexing the stars

There must be a better way to organize all those sentiments in all that text. What if we take each sentence from this repository and put it in a box and label it? Consolidate similar labels and group them into a bucket, expressing a relatable category, like customer service. A quick glance at a vendor with a Customer Service rating of 4.8 out of 300 ratings promises me a pleasant experience.

A handful of criteria within the Customer Service category, each with its own ratings, gives me reasonable insight. All I’ve had to do for a reasonably in-depth insight, is read a handful of sentences.

A new ratings platform

Introducing Shaeba Ratings. A website dedicated to rating things, by the masses, for the masses.

Searching for a place returns exactly one result along with any existing ratings. If the returned result is not what you’re looking for, just update the search criteria with additional related words or phrases and try again.

Search result also offers two possible actions: Rate & Share. The first, as the title suggests, lets you rate the place, and the second lets you share the ratings for the place. Anyone clicking on a shared link will see the latest ratings of the place.

Coming up

In the next article I’ll dive into the page titled Rate where you can rate a place using the concept of reusable stories. Until then, feel free to go rate something. Let your friends and neighbors know how you feel about places that might be of interest to them. Also, please let us know how you feel about this rating concept.



Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp

Lifelong software engineer, obsessed with improving efficiency