Influencing behavior by raising awareness

Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp
Published in
2 min readMay 9, 2021

To be effective, any “raise awareness campaign” needs the AAA trifecta implementation model: Access, Articulation, and Aggregation.


Free and widespread access is an operational cornerstone. We must be able to see “what is” on an always available platform. Without such access the operation becomes less than its potential and likely subjectively biased or may be even fruitless.


Effective articulation of “what is” is just as important. Without clear and concise messaging, it runs the risk of becoming subject to interpretation, and hence must rely on the mercy of audiences’ personal filters. Which at best may benefit a target group instead of all or worse, become propaganda tool. We must not only be able to easily comprehend the messaging characteristics of “what is”, but also have it be objective and non-discriminant. Only then, perception may begin to get past audiences’ personal filters and the message through.


Aggregation is the mathematical equivalent of intensity summary. A simplified valuation of how strongly we feel about something, directly corresponds to our collective priorities. Hence, we have the concept of ratings. We instantly understand that a 4/5 rating is better than a 2/5 rating and would generally incline to prioritize the former over the later.

Bring to attention and influence

As consumer driven society, we have much input in how businesses behave. We rate them, we write reviews. If a business uses eco-friendly lighting and we commend it, we raise the likelihood that it’ll express more environmentally friendly behavior. The contrary is also true, where if we point out that a business could be using energy efficient tools, it may incline to do so at least for the good publicity.

Businesses may also proactively solicit ratings to guide their strategic and tactical directions. Keeping the finger on the pulse of consumer sentiment, so to speak. Customer service and product/service valuation are examples of commonly used rating categories, in this arena.

Until next time, go and express yourself, rate something. Influence by raising awareness. Make the world a better place.



Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp

Lifelong software engineer, obsessed with improving efficiency