Measuring Sentiment. One Criteria at a Time.

Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp
Published in
2 min readApr 11, 2021

If you’re willing to complete a survey about your experience today, please press 1.

Have you heard such a request? After a telephone interaction with an organization of some means? I have. This tugs at what marketing broadly refers to as Customer Satisfaction. Every business wants to know how to better it in regards to their brand and offerings.

The philosophy

Customer satisfaction index is an indicator of profitability potentials. Simply put, happy customers are frequent repeat customers. On the flip side, dissatisfaction causes loss. According to a 2018 Forbes article, businesses lose $75 billion due to poor customer service.

Measuring Sentiment

Each category is a dimension of satisfaction, and each criterion within is a quantitative measure. A data point. A somewhat atomic indicator. An aspect that a business can devise a plan to improve upon. Every criterion tells a story. Each rated from the intimate experience of a single person.

One criteria aggregated over all those who rate it, tells the tale of a single sentiment. A judgement on one single aspect of a consumer interaction. Seen over a period and a trend presents itself.

Aggregate all rated criteria within a category and a picture appears. One that paints a business in a certain light.

Planning Ahead

Businesses would benefit by getting ahead of the curve and enticing all their patrons to rate them, so as to not have the occasionally dissatisfied but loud ones drag their ratings averages down. Following actions could help with such initiatives:

Printing a rating QR code from Shaeba Rating and displaying it on store window, website, etc.

Reminding patrons to rate

Offering incentives for rating

Of course, getting rated alone is only half the picture. Businesses must review them regularly and analyze trends to identify improvement opportunities and implement corrective actions.



Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp

Lifelong software engineer, obsessed with improving efficiency