PETAR Framework Part 4: The Importance of Adjusting Your Plan for Success

Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp
Published in
2 min readApr 26, 2023

The Adjust component of PETAR is a critical step in achieving success. It involves benchmarking against tracking to determine whether adjustments are necessary to achieve goals.

Adapt to changes.

Adjusting your plan allows you to remain flexible and adapt to changes in the market, customer needs, or other variables. It helps you stay on track towards achieving your goals and making progress towards success.

Coca-Cola is an excellent example of a company that successfully adjusted its strategy to stay ahead of the curve. In the 1980s, the company faced stiff competition from Pepsi and other cola brands. To stand out, Coca-Cola developed a new strategy that focused on building a strong emotional connection with its customers. By adjusting its approach, Coca-Cola was able to achieve significant growth and remain a top player in the beverage industry.

How to Adjust.

  • Use data and insights from tracking to identify areas where adjustments are needed.
  • Re-evaluate your goals and determine whether they are still relevant and attainable.
  • Make changes to your plan, taking into account any new information or insights that have emerged.

According to a survey by McKinsey & Company, companies that regularly adjust their strategy achieve better financial results than those that don’t. 87% of companies that adjust their strategy regularly outperform their peers.

In conclusion, adjusting your plan is critical to achieving success. By staying flexible and adapting to changes, you can remain on track towards your goals. Use tracking data and insights to guide your adjustments and make informed decisions about your strategy.



Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp

Lifelong software engineer, obsessed with improving efficiency