Virtues of Quantifying Ratings

Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp
Published in
3 min readMar 23, 2023

Whether you’re shopping for a product, selecting a service provider, or evaluating an experience, ratings can be an important tool to help you make informed decisions. However, not all ratings are created equal. Quantifying ratings — assigning scores on a standardized scale — offers several virtues that can provide you with a more objective, accurate, and transparent evaluation process.


One of the main virtues of quantifying ratings is objectivity. When a rating is quantified, it becomes more objective because it is based on a consistent and standardized scale. This helps remove subjective biases that might arise from personal preferences or emotions. For example, a restaurant might be rated as “pretty good” by one person and “excellent” by another, depending on their individual experiences. However, if both people rate the restaurant for their pizza crust on a scale of 1–5, their ratings become more objective and comparable.


Another virtue of quantifying ratings is accuracy. Quantified ratings provide a more accurate representation of the quality of a product, service or experience. A score of 4 out of 5, for example, conveys more information than a vague statement like “it was pretty good.” This level of accuracy can help you make more informed decisions when comparing products or services.


Quantifying ratings enables easy comparison between different providers, services, or experiences. A score of 4 for a product can be compared to a score of 3 for the same product by another vendor, allowing consumers to make informed decisions based on objective measures. This comparability is particularly valuable when you are considering a range of options and need to compare them to make a decision.


Quantifying ratings provides clear feedback to the product/service provider. The provider can identify areas for improvement and track progress over time. For example, if a product has consistently low ratings in a particular area, the manufacturer can work to improve that aspect of the product. This feedback loop can result in improved products and services that better meet consumer needs.


Finally, quantifying ratings provides transparency to the evaluation process. It makes it clear how the rating was arrived at and the criteria used. This transparency can help build trust and confidence in the evaluation process, especially when it comes to products or services that have a significant impact on our lives.

Overall, quantifying ratings provides a more objective, accurate, and transparent way to evaluate products, services, or experiences. Objectivity and accuracy help to remove subjective biases and provide a more consistent evaluation process, while comparability allows for easy comparison between options. Feedback provides valuable insights for providers, while transparency builds trust and confidence in the evaluation process. If you are looking to make informed decisions, consider using quantified ratings to help guide your choices.



Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp

Lifelong software engineer, obsessed with improving efficiency