Why Follow-up Matters: The Key Component of Effective Feedback

Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp
Published in
2 min readApr 15, 2023

Feedback is a critical tool for growth and improvement, but it’s not just about giving feedback in the moment. The follow-up component is just as important in ensuring that feedback leads to actual change and progress. Follow-up is the act of checking in with the recipient of feedback after a period of time to assess progress and offer additional support.

Raise engagement.

A study by Globoforce found that companies that implement regular follow-up after giving feedback see a 14.9% increase in employee engagement. Follow-up not only reinforces the feedback but also shows that the person giving the feedback cares about the recipient’s progress and success. It’s an opportunity to provide additional guidance and resources to help the recipient overcome any obstacles or challenges.

Builds trust.

In addition, follow-up can also help to build trust and strengthen relationships between colleagues or between a manager and an employee. When someone follows up on feedback, it shows that they are invested in the recipient’s success and committed to supporting them in achieving their goals.

Boost performance.

One example of the power of follow-up comes from the healthcare industry. A study published in the Journal of Hospital Medicine found that when physicians followed up with patients after providing feedback, patients were more likely to follow through with recommended treatments and had better health outcomes overall.

Improve communication.

Follow-up can also help to address any misunderstandings or miscommunications that may have arisen during the initial feedback conversation. By checking in with the recipient, the person giving feedback can ensure that they are on the same page and that any concerns or questions have been addressed.

Overall, the follow-up component of feedback is critical for ensuring that feedback leads to meaningful change and growth. It shows that the person giving feedback is invested in the recipient’s success and is committed to providing ongoing support and guidance.



Nazmul Siddiqui
Shaeba Corp

Lifelong software engineer, obsessed with improving efficiency