Shaffan’s Blog
Published in
1 min readJun 13, 2020


My program in action

I put in my second gig for Fiver last night! It’s a Python program that automatically clicks my client’s mouse every 5 minutes so they aren’t seen as inactive on their work computer.

I used PyAutoGUI and PySimpleGUI to build this, and they were both delightfully simple to use. While PySimpleGUI isn’t the prettiest looking GUI, it took about three lines of code for me write the window that allows the user to start and stop the timer that clicks the mouse. PyAutoGUI was the library that automated mouse clicking. It can also automate mouse movements such as dragging the mouse while clicked or simply moving the mouse across the screen, but I didn’t need that for this project. Even if you have no particular use for a GUI at this point, I would still encourage you to play around with PySimpleGUI because it’s so fun and easy to use, and has excellent examples in the form of a cookbook for just about anything you’d want to do!

Code is here:



Shaffan’s Blog

BS in Geographical and Information Science, The Ohio State University. I like to learn about and write code, poetry, and other writing