Shahid Original Shorts: A Fresh Look Into VOD Entertainment

The Alien Hisham Afifi has Landed on Shahid in “This is Earth”, Bader Saleh is Chit Chatting with our Favorite Influencers in “Lock Down” and Plenty More Shorts To Come to Shahid This Year.

Shahid Blog
3 min readMay 12, 2020


For as long as we’ve known, VOD has been a platform dedicated to long form content, popular series, catch up TV, documentaries and films. Here at Shahid, with our rebranding and relaunch at the beginning of the year we introduced a new form of content; Short Form.

Short form content, just as the name suggests, is short both in the episode length and in number of episodes per season. It is easy to consume, light, made with digital natives with their mobile consumption in mind and can vary from aliens landing on earth in a sitcom setting to interview “Tonight Show” style with well-known influencers (after all, who better to capture the young generation than their favorite influencers?).

Not only did we create the shorts with digital natives in mind, but we wanted to find a way to include our sponsors in new ways of brand integrations that are seamless and beautifully sown into the threads of the show’s plot lines. What better way for an alien landing on earth to discover music than through Spotify; with their wide variety of music, their personalized profiles and their young and millennial communication?

If you haven’t had the chance to check out This is Earth, you can now take an hour of your time to binge the entire show on Shahid and discover earth through Hisham’s alien eyes:

You can also catch up with your favorite actors and influencers on Lock Down over a cup of Nescafé with Bader Saleh as he chit-chats with them and sees what they’re up to at home this Ramadan. Guests such as Shokran Mortaja (who remembers Yawmiyat Jameel W Hanna?), Yara, Ahmad Al Awadi and Elham Ali are already on the platform with exciting episodes to come including Karen Wazen, Raya Abi Rashed, and Nour Stars on the way.

With these two already gaining popularity, excitement and positive feedback, we have plenty more to come this year covering a wide range of genres from humor and millennial drama to social commentary and light action.
Stay tuned!



Shahid Blog

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