About Me

Shaina Tan
Shaina’s UX Design Portfolio
3 min readJan 17, 2021

Hey there, I’m Shaina!

I’m a Service Designer with roots in User Experience Design.

While I may juggle these two different roles depending on what a project calls for, the core of my design practice is the belief that being a good designer is about delivering value to both users and businesses by being able to look at a problem from multiple perspectives and crafting solutions that bridge their needs.

Design is a constant practice of balancing both interrogation and empathy, listening and learning, and staying curious about how others experience the world around them — a practice that has become so naturally imbued in my everyday life. Once, I was in a taxi with a chirpy elderly driver, Ricky, who turned out to be a film photography buff with his own darkroom! I asked if he could teach me how to develop film photos and we spent the rest of the afternoon washing and drying prints and sharing stories.

Perusing Ricky’s immaculate vintage camera collection and learning how to develop film photos

Aside from my insatiable curiosity and complete obliviousness to stranger danger, I’m also always working on new projects, whether it’s for a need observed (e.g. a better triaging tool for doctors fighting Covid-19), or fulfilling a childhood fantasy of owning Willa Wonka’s chocolate factory.

Left: A visual aid tool I created to support doctors doing triaging during the Covid-19 crisis | Right: One of mt favourite creative outlets — chocolate making!

So if you’re looking for someone to join your team, or just looking for someone to share stories with about design/ people/ the world — feel free to reach out to me anytime.


  • Goldsmiths’ College University of London, BA (Hons) Design Communication, First Class Honours (2019)
  • Ngee Ann Polytechnic, Diploma in Product Design and Innovation, Diploma with Merit (2016)


  • Recipient of Lasalle Award for Academic Excellence (Top in cohort, 2019)
  • Panellist and speaker at Academy Xi’s ‘Designing Services’ event (2019)
  • Nominee for McNally Award for Excellence in the Arts (2019)
  • Speaker at Lasalle Annual Alumni Sharing Session (2019)
  • Recipient of Ngee Ann Kongsi Scholarship (2018)
  • Awarded Motorola Solutions Final Year Project Awards (2016)
Speaking at Academy Xi’s ‘Designing Services’ event with fellow ladies in Service Design



Shaina Tan
Shaina’s UX Design Portfolio

UX Designer, Service Designer and Design Facilitator by day, chocolate maker by night. Reach me at: shainaatan@gmail.com