How We Work / Design Process

Eugene I.
Shakka Agency
Published in
2 min readApr 8, 2019

And that’s how we do our work step-by-step

  1. Briefing

It all starts with getting 100% full into the product and its conceptual idea. We get to know what’s what and determine the demands and expectations of our client and, of course, further users of their offering.

2. Creating archetypes

Moving on we believe it’s necessary to create a customer portrait, define their behaviour patterns and requirements towards the product so to offer desired solutions.

3. Prototyping/ UX

Here it’s time to get an interactive prototype, based on all collected and generated data.

Click here to check how it looks (link to the prototype)

4. Design concept/ UI

The moment we’ve all been waiting for. We develop a unique graphic general concept and layout of the project, according to client’s taste and identified user requirements and expectations.

5. Delivery

In all its pride and glory the final design of the product is presented.

We collaborate with coders telling them the key design features, so the final product will be just the exact same way we initially planned it.

Branding & Identity

The success of every venture starts with a well analyzed and thought-out brand image and identity. Thus, we are striving to consider all the necessary product design related details at an early stage, so later a customer will get the greatest benefit out of its usage.

Though looking simple, the process includes two huge steps:

  1. In-depth concept and product analysis.
  2. Holistic brand development: visual, context, creative branding.


Users are those who get the best or worst from interfaces, so the idea is to make them happy with what they see and interact with. And we are confident and skilled enough to say that we are doing good with brainstorming, designing and developing creative concepts and solutions valued by businesses and their customers.

  1. Research

Customer, competitor analysis and benchmarking — all happen here.

2. Wireframing

We check different functionality and navigation options through prototyping. This contributes to better user interaction with a product later on.

3. Design

Time to create exclusive graphic design solutions with UI kit.

4. Final Delivery

The product goes public! We also coordinate and maintain its performance regarding user interface.

Web design

Practically we deal with everything from FinTech sector. UX/UI, website design, illustrations and many more. Let’s progress together!

Our website

Our social

Instagram, Facebook, Dribbble


