A day in the life of a random writer

Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space
Published in
2 min readNov 19, 2017
The restless crowd at Dadar railway station inspires a weird kind of loneliness.


[stares at the blank page]

[stares harder]

[zero success]

[lousy thoughts crosses an ocean called mind under the sail of brilliant ideas]

[none of the ideas are brilliant enough]

[none of the ideas are sincere enough]

[none of the ideas are ideas enough]

[thinks harder]

[stares hardest]

[absolutely zero success]

[takes a break]

[walks up to the balcony]

[checks out the browning leaves of some plants]

[attention arrested by an abandoned nest in the corner]

[admires the intricacies of the twigs laced circularly]

[tries to weave a story as the laughing dove clearly did with its home]

[plants a rootless tale about a nesting bird who waited for her partner to show up but he never did because he was killed by a falcon on his way home]

[she doesn’t know what happened to him]

[mystery thickens]

[glad at the needle of yarn spinning for a change]

[begins to type]

[scope thins]

[gives up in exactly 9 minutes]

[20 sentences gone to waste]

[writing blocked, not writer’s block]

[remarkable relief though]

[random writing > unnatural writing]

[an aborted story is worse than a bad one]

[not happening]

[something more is required]

[something stronger and something with an excuse to be told]

[yawns again]

[stares again]

[blank page spreads farther and wider]

[decides to NOT tell a story]

[how about answering a difficult question]

[answers a random question on Quora]

[drags self back to the blank page]

[hello, again]

[meditates with eyes open and fingers closed]

[another attempt at coming up with something worthy]

[seconds turn to minutes]


[leaves the room]

[walks to and fro in the hall]

[anything can happen]

[anything has to happen]

[pacing up]

[Ranga looks curiously at the ongoing one-man tennis match]

[counts the number of steps while parallelly thinking of something else]

[to takes 15 steps to cover; fro takes 14]

[why so]

[damn stupid distractions]

[can’t think]

[what the hell]

[mission unaccomplished]

[blames it on weekend]

[blank page wins]

[blank mind loses… again]



Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space

I am a Mangalore-based copywriter and a wannabe (published) writer and I blog randomly about not-so-random topics to stay insane.