A piece of mindlessnes

Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space
Published in
3 min readJun 21, 2017
When is it ever going to be enough? Like for real?

Where there is a way, there will be people who will will their will on you. It’s amazing how we are in 2017 and yet continue to peek outside our windows to learn how things are inside our house. At what point are we supposed to halt and reboot our devices? When the hell are we planning to grow up for a change? Almost everybody claims to carry a soul and a mind around but not everybody is keen on using the latter. Why think when others can do that for us? Given a chance, we might even let others chew our food for us.

Which brings us to the most pertinent question of our times: If we already knew where we were going to be, would we still be going? When you surmise that everything in the world is happening just like that, with little to zero influence from your end, what is your pecking order? Considering your ascertained lack of impact, shouldn’t you be gracefully excusing yourself from the stage and looking for greener pastures, so to speak? Why continue a charade wherein your self-esteem is decided by everybody else but you? Is it because you are afraid you’d get lost in the wilderness as soon as you’re off the lease? Yes? You are mistaken. No? You are mistaken twice.

The system that we’re part of is magical for three reasons:

  • It thrives on your presence and active involvement.
  • It thrives on your absence and active disassociation.
  • Nothing matters but for a little while.

A weird paradox of the our world, possibly so, as it may not necessarily make you aware of your contributions in terms of time and effort. Ask yourself what will happen if you were to abandon the so-called modernity and step back into the hills. Make a list of aftermath and note whether it singularly affects you more than the world. In case you believe this move shall affect you more than others, then you are mistaken because you can’t possibly imagine what lies ahead for you on your uncharted journey. In case you believe this move shall affect others more than you, then you are mistaken twice because you’ve been in this world and you are quite aware of the system in place; nobody is indispensable, especially in our society. You’ll soon be replaced. And if that isn’t depressing enough, your replacement will continue assuming this system is working until epiphany slaps the shit out of them someday. The fact that you couldn’t stop their descent into ignorance doubles your error.

Centuries ago, Archimedes had his Eureka moment on the streets of Syracuse. Since then, many celebrated souls made the most of their minds and have cemented their place in history books. And more importantly on Google. In other words, the days of pure erudition is fast ebbing on us. What we’ve got today is derivation. Everything is a derivative of a derivative of a derivative. Precisely why we might be damn lucky to have our Enough moment. Hopefully before it’s too late.



Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space

I am a Mangalore-based copywriter and a wannabe (published) writer and I blog randomly about not-so-random topics to stay insane.