Get lost, find yourself

Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space
Published in
2 min readMay 28, 2017
In our heart, we acknowledge the concrete is no match for the woods we abandoned. Nevertheless, it’s never too late to go back to where we came from.

Why is it that some places feel like home while others don’t? Is it the people or the memories associated with the place? And sometimes, you just click while most of the times, you don’t. Whatever it is, a person’s homeliness has a lot to do with the way they perceive the world at large. We feel comfortable somewhere mainly due to reasons that remain a secret. Some walls have absorbed so much negative words and thoughts that it’s not your fault if you feel down as soon as we are enclosed by them. On the other hand, some places release you from your terrestrial chains as soon as your sole touches the floor.

There’s obviously no singular conjecture to be drawn here. Like the cliché — not all clichés are redundant; most emit truth without even making us realize how well-founded they are — goes, to each their own.

All things said and discussed and eviscerated, when you walk into the woods, you feel oneness with your venue. Why is that so? You’ve never been there before. There are no people or memories or walls or floors to pin you. So, what exactly is it about the trees and the grass and the avian calls and the distant murmur of a stream, among other aspects, that make us feel at— how to put it? — home?

While you are at it, you don’t care about the lack of network on your phone. Screw that, you’re not at all worried about the low battery. If that isn’t epic enough, you can’t seem to feel the urge to steal pictures. You are just walking, creating a rustling sound, as the dried leaves beneath you yell their final hello. You can’t name the trees or identify the genus of those wild flowers. But that’s alright. You look at the shiny bark, appreciate it, feel its wisdom on your fingertips, smell the fallen petals before wetting your hands and face in the pond.

At no point do you feel like you are on to something. There are no targets to measure, no miles to go, no applause to covet, nothing. It’s just your presence and the absence of concrete jungle. Not all bonds are by virtue of action; some are by design. This is simply you revisiting the path of those who arrived much before you. The similarity doesn’t end there though. Like you, they too kept moving—ironic as it may sound — in the search of home.



Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space

I am a Mangalore-based copywriter and a wannabe (published) writer and I blog randomly about not-so-random topics to stay insane.