How to beat Writer’s Block?

Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space
Published in
4 min readApr 22, 2017
One of the best ways to become a writer is to start writing right away. Everything else is an excuse.

I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible. I have Writer’s Block but it can’t stop me from expressing myself in the only way possible.

See? Wasn’t very difficult.

I am often asked why don’t i write a book. The nonchalance with which this question is pitched makes me want to hug the person and explain how things really are. A simplistic way of looking at a book is to count the number of pages. 365 days in a year so if i write at least one page a day, i’ll have a book by the end of the year. Capiche? Well… it doesn’t work that way. At all. Math is the least of my problems. Writing requires patience, discipline, fortitude and most importantly, a purpose. I have none. Churning a book for the sake of a byline is not only preposterous but also boosts the anybody-can-get-published-nowadays myth and by extension, the notion that everybody can write. Coming up with a 300–400 worder blog post is one thing and contemplating a book, quite another. If you’re going to burn your time filling blank pages, you might as well fill them beautifully. If not, don’t bother. Of course, it’s counter-productive to stay away and find excuses. Unless you get down to work, you won’t know what can possibly go wrong. You need to start somewhere. So, i’m going to start at a place from where there’s no point of return. Maybe that will happen tomorrow. Maybe day after tomorrow. Maybe next month. Maybe next year. Maybe next decade. Maybe never. I can’t push pen/keys the way Ruskin Bond did or Stephen King does. These living legends pump 3000–5000 words a word. They wouldn’t go to sleep until they are done. I don’t think i am anywhere close to this level of commitment. Fortunately, i am fully aware of my limitations. Unfortunately, Writer’s Block isn’t one of them.



Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space

I am a Mangalore-based copywriter and a wannabe (published) writer and I blog randomly about not-so-random topics to stay insane.