Man proposes, Climate changes

Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space
Published in
3 min readFeb 26, 2017
Being in denial is one thing but being selectively blind is something else. And it’s incurable too.

Ever wondered why quite a lot of Americans deny climate change? Is it some mass suicidal tendency that went unaddressed by science? Speaking of which, how many of them really believe in science? There are several differences between the two corners but unlike religion, science doesn’t force you to do things. It merely points out what happened and why it happened. It doesn’t have anything against you lazing on the couch but it can tell with utmost certainty how you gained weight and lost momentum. Similarly, it explains why your lungs will eventually drown — yes, your lungs, not you, drown when they are fulfilled by H2O— when you’re under water. Turns out for the climate change-deniers, a glorious list that even includes the POTUS himself, it’s very difficult to let science have a say on doomsday. That privilege, according to them, was tenured by the Holy Bible and nobody else. No matter how irrational they sound like, you’ve got to keep the faith, brethren.

God has a plan for everyone. Scientists can fuck off to their labs.

If you zero in on the CC-deniers, their behaviour is extremely dangerous but at the same time, it reeks of humility and stark innocence. They don’t want to overstep God’s design. Their belief in the scriptures overrule their sense of reasoning. But then, they are being selective in their approach towards modernity. They cheered loudly when American rockets and satellites were launched during the Cold War and American men landed on moon and so on and so forth. But they can’t let some old balding men in white coats dictate the terms of earth’s expiry. To them, that amounts to scientific arrogance and breaches the communion they hold with their creator. If God can create the world in about a week then it’s up to him (not her, mind you) to destroy us. He is the master planner. By doubting His potential, aren’t we being ingrates? Sounds exactly like the religious conjecture staring at us.

And that’s not it.

By all means, fossil fuels and carbon emissions shouldn’t have hold the kind of power that could turn the table on us. The glaciers are melting because they always do. The polar bears are becoming skeletal because they are assholes of the highest order. Hundreds of selfless species are endangered because they want to make more room for mankind. It’s not pollution, it’s nature adjusting to our atrocities. Global warming? Pfft! An urban legend. The difference between climate and weather? Boring conversation starters. 2016 was the hottest year ever recorded but that’s apparently not enough. Some islands have to submerge. Maybe then, those pretending to sleep might open their eyes. Maybe not. Besides, 60% of all those who went extinct in the last 400 years belonged to islands. No amount of data can make the CC-deniers understand the damage we’ve done to our planet and are continuing to on a rapid scale. Religious zealots are everywhere, not just in Abrahamic lineage, but nothing can come close to the ridiculously stupid arguments CC-deniers spread on media. The very media which owes its rise to science. As of now, it appears like the vested interests of a few is going to spell doom on the rest. Or there might be a plot twist wherein Mother Nature presses the restart button before we effectively drown in our stupidity.



Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space

I am a Mangalore-based copywriter and a wannabe (published) writer and I blog randomly about not-so-random topics to stay insane.