Not taken for a ride

Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space
Published in
3 min readOct 1, 2017
What do ghosts do during the daytime? In other words, have you ever seen a mosquito and a ghost in the same room?

Once during my school days, somebody asked me whether i believed in god. I said i believed in gods; not just one deity in particular. I had way too many favourites back then. Not very long ago, i was asked the same question again and my reply turned out to be vague. Any question replied with another question isn’t really an answer. I remember saying, “The bigger question is, does god believe in me?”

Since i couldn’t raise the answer, i raised the question. Heavy stuff, yes.

Herein also lies the beauty of belief. We can believe in anything we want to. There is no restriction whatsoever. If you want to believe that Justin Bieber turns into a lizard whenever he feels so, nobody can stop you. In fact, you can google it and even Google won’t conclude anything—it never does, its job is to help you decide for yourself; it’s a search engine, not a belief system — and leave you wondering whether Bieber is an Illuminati. This is the case of the so-called free world. Even in the most regressive of societies, you can believe as per your wish as long as you don’t exhibit action and thus keep it a secret. All beliefs have one thing in common. You.

Things turn muddier when unexaminable entities are pulled into question. How are we supposed to detect god, let alone, one’s amount of faith? Matter of mind and mind of matter. And what about ghosts? So many have claimed to have spotted them. Do they exist? Or as the millennials like to ask, are they for real? The answer is not succinct. Yet. Science classifies paranormal activity in the same category as paranormal activists (my coinage for ghosts). Which basically means if there is energy, there has to be a source too but the law of conservation of energy dictates that the amount of energy is constant in the universe.

A tricky business, this method of partaking in experiments to understand everything.

By this yardstick, will we get to a definite conclusion regarding ghosts? Not happening.

Let’s get out of the lab a bit and delve into the supernatural elements. So, here’s what i think is going on. Ghosts exists like you and me and flora and fauna and hypocrisy and genocide and ozone and Erdoğan and all other wonderful things in our world. What we need to do is raise the question here. All those alleged ghost sightings naturally recourse to fear. When was the last time you heard or read a story where a ghost wanted to serve somebody bed tea along with muffins? Ghosts are portrayed as evil because almost all the stories evince of them being pissed off, throwing tantrums in the drawing room or hiding in the closet to play peek-a-boo with you or scaring the shit out of you when you’re already on the commode. Now, the real question is, why are they so pissed off?

The answer is plain and simple. They are angry because they aren’t allowed to use transportation—public or private. No bus or train or cab or car or aeroplane for them. Nope. They are sentenced to walk or float around and that enrages them. They’ve witnessed the rising pace of humankind and how we went from crouching to walking to horsing to flying. Jealousy and envy are too weak to describe what they must be feeling. It messes with their empty heads and they take revenge by trying what they are great at: reinstalling fear in our already coward mind.

Being a peacemaker, here’s what i propose. Whoever writes the absolute laws should allow them to travel/commute with us in our environment-unfriendly vehicles. In return, they should be programmed to slap anybody who rapes/expectorates/honks/defecates/litters/brawls/assholes.

N.B. Don’t be a spoilsport by googling to check if there are friendly ghosts out there or whether there have been spooky reports of them spotted inside a public transport.



Shakti Shetty
Shaktian Space

I am a Mangalore-based copywriter and a wannabe (published) writer and I blog randomly about not-so-random topics to stay insane.