Shala Om
Published in
1 min readJul 11, 2020


The age of the guru is over.

It is time to listen to the divine within.

We have had this understanding for thousands of years; but it has been stolen and hidden by men who are in love with power.

Now we must have the silent revolution;

The revolution of silence.

We begin the work of stillness.

We listen.

We have no expectation as we listen because the divine is beyond all expectations.

We have no image because the divine cannot be seen.

We have no language because the divine is all languages and no language.

We have no thoughts because thought cannot contain the infinite divine.

There is no lineage because we are all equally born with the Godself within.

There can be no originating guru with unique power to give liberation.

Because we are already liberated. It is our birthright.

There is no initiation beyond taking our first breath and opening our eyes for the first time.

So there is no one to follow. There is no one to lead. There is only the divine unknowable language breathing through the silence.

There is only trust or fear.

This is the choice which defines our life.

©️2020 Unjay Markiewicz



Shala Om

I’m a yoga teacher at Shala Om in Semaphore, South Australia. I’m also a musician and songwriter and I’ve done scores for independent film and theatre.