The Limit of Maps – where are you going in your life?

Shala Om
Published in
2 min readDec 9, 2022

You don’t find yourself, you make yourself.

Original artwork “The Limit of Maps II” by Unjay ©️2022

In the olden days we used to have these books called Street Directories. Before Google Maps and Apple Maps. You would look up where you needed to go and find the relevant map page number. At the back was a composite map bringing all the maps in the directory together. At the edges was blank space and the legend, “Limit of Maps”. It’s not like there was nothing there if you actually reached the limit of maps. You just didn’t know what you would find.

Every day we awaken at the limit of maps.

We don’t necessarily clearly know where we are in our lives. We certainly don’t know what will happen next. So if we think we know where we are going, it is more or less an illusion.

So how do you find yourself if you don’t know where you are?

Maybe you can’t exactly find yourself so much as define yourself. Through the decisions you make you define who you are and in a sense create who you become.

This is good because you make your own destiny, within the limits of your circumstances. I’m not talking about manifesting things like jobs, cars and houses. These are things. In the end it doesn’t matter what external things you do or don’t have. The external things maybe things you can use. You may or may not be able to keep them. Thieves can steal, floods can wash away, fires can burn, winds can lift into the sky, the earth can crack and swallow.

Each day as you stand at the limit of maps, you ask yourself, not “What do I want?” but “Who do I want to be?” You can shape your reality around that. It’s more important than the things – or people- that come and go. This is also the most deeply pragmatic approach- you can’t control what the world may throw at you- you can control how you respond.

What you are really manifesting throughout your life is yourself. Choice by choice, you build yourself. You make yourself. You manifest yourself.



Shala Om

I’m a yoga teacher at Shala Om in Semaphore, South Australia. I’m also a musician and songwriter and I’ve done scores for independent film and theatre.