A hope that can’t be locked away.

Justin’s Story

Serving Orphans Worldwide
Shalom Orphanage


Every evening the children from Shalom Orphanage gather together in the square space between their dormitories for a worship service. Together, they stand in the middle of this space and sing and dance with all of their hearts. It is beautiful and worshipful and joy abounds. However, there is one among them who is unable to stand with them. Instead, he bounces his little body up and down as best as he can on his knees.

Justin on the right being held by Josh.

His name is Justin. When he was only a few months old, his mother used to lock him in his room all night by himself while she went out to drink. As Justin grew and began to develop strength, he would often roll out of his bed and take damaging blows to his body from the fall. By the time he was a year old, Justin had so damaged his body from these falls that he was unable to even hold his head up on his own.

When Mama Warra heard about Justin, she took immediate action to gain custody of the child. It didn’t take long for law enforcement to observe that Justin’s mother was harmfully careless with her baby, so Justin was brought to Shalom Orphanage.

Today, Justin is three years old. He can sit up on his own. He can talk somewhat clearly. And he’s almost always got a smile on his sweet face. Justin is still unable to walk, but Mama Warra has been able to get him into one of the best therapy centers in Tanzania. According to his doctors, Justin may have hope of walking one day because of Mama Warra’s loving and wise care for him.

As he sits on his knees and bounces up and down during the singing and dancing that takes place every evening, Mama Warra smiles. None of this would be possible without God’s help and his new family at Shalom Orphanage.

As his brothers and sisters pray for his little legs to be strengthened, Justin grins, surely envisioning future first steps. Justin’s healing has just begun. Shalom Orphanage made it possible.

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Out of more than 153,000,000 orphans worldwide, only 23,609 were adopted in 2011. That’s less than 1%.

Orphanages provide a last line of defense for these children, but many are struggling just to survive.

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Serving Orphans Worldwide
Shalom Orphanage

Serving Orphans Worldwide betters the lives of orphans by rescuing struggling orphanages, training them and enabling them to pursue sustainability.