10 Goals for 2021

Shabbir Shams
Shabbir Shams
Published in
Jan 3, 2021

10 simple, wholesome goals that I want to subscribe to for 2021.

  1. Be Kind to Yourself — emotionally/physically.
  2. Finish ONE big project.
  3. Feed, cloth, or give shelter to ONE needy person at least.
  4. Teach ONE person something really well what you are good at.
  5. Read 4 books on anything.
  6. Travel to that ONE place you have always dreamed/thought about.
  7. Know/understand/befriend someone from another race/ethnicity/nationality/religion.
  8. Learn to speak another language.
  9. Forgive everyONE.
  10. Respect your planet.

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Shabbir Shams
Shabbir Shams

startup founder, foodie, gallivanter, bibliophile and photographer — some days, I’m all 5