Teaching entrepreneurship to kids — Al-Tijaarat al-Raabehah Chicago

Shabbir Shams
Shabbir Shams
Published in
4 min readFeb 13, 2024

What started as a social experiment in Chicago has morphed into a mini-movement of sorts.

In 2020, I embarked upon teaching farzando (kids) about entrepreneurship — and specifically around brainstorming business ideas, setting effective goals, financial literacy, and developing leadership and communication skills. It was COVID-19, so we setup an outdoor workshop with about 15 kids aged 13–17. I called these series, Kidpreneur Workshops — which eventually culminated into a methodical, entrepreneurship school curriculum in Karachi, Pakistan, and countless startup competitions and workshops for kids globally.

The first “Kidpreneur” workshop held in my backyard on August 9, 2020 in Naperville (Chicago), IL.

The event was well-received, with the kids actively discussing about their ideas, passions, and interests. One 10-year-old also embarked upon a neighborhood snow-cleaning business that is still operational today.

A second workshop was setup on October 3, 2021 on public speaking and effective communications. I was honored to speak at the prestigious MSB Haidery as well on October 18, 2022 on entrepreneurship and “creating a pitch-deck”. Teachers and students both enjoyed it — as it was for me — understanding the power of young, future leaders.

Honored to receive a painting by an MSB student in Karachi, Pakistan (Instagram story)

I genuinely feel entrepreneurship and being “business-minded” is the key to all problems. It fosters creativity and innovation; teaches financial literacy; promotes independence and self-reliance; encourages risk-taking and resilience; instills leadership and communication skills; and fosters a growth mindset. By encouraging entrepreneurship from a young age, we can help kids develop the mindset, skills, and confidence they need to succeed in an increasingly competitive and dynamic world.

On February 3, 2024, I started teaching entrepreneurship via workshops for the students attending our local masjid (mosque)’s madrassah in Willowbrook (Chicago), IL (special thanks to Moiz Diwan for assisting). This is an extra-curricular institute that teaches Grade 1 to Grade 10 students about culture, religion, spirituality, norms, and social sciences.

Every Saturday, we delve into different topics. We play via Kahoot! so kids are super engaged. Excited as well, as the winner gets a gift card. So far, Burhanuddin, Danial, Hussain, and Alifya have each scored a $25 gift card for Fornite, Amazon and Target!

We have covered the the concepts of TAM, SAM, SOM — as well as how to create a pitch deck. And so much more to learn!

Here’s how you can get your kids (or your grandkids, nieces, or nephews) involved in entrepreneurship and being business-minded: talk to them about everyday things. Cost and sale price of milk and cereal. Value-chain process. How does local municipality taxes work? What are different investment vehicles? What is money? How is it earned and how does it cycle in the economy? Have them bake cookies and sell them to friends and family. Let them create a flyer on Canva post it online or distribute it around the neighborhood.

All kids have the potential to become titans in their own ways. You can become that catalyst.

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Shabbir Shams
Shabbir Shams

startup founder, foodie, gallivanter, bibliophile and photographer — some days, I’m all 5