What are your 3 universal/timeless truths?

Shabbir Shams
Shabbir Shams
Published in
5 min readMar 10, 2021

On Feb 28, 2021, I posted this to my family, friends and extended social network:

Hey everyone — I am doing a Japanese mindfulness/self-awareness exercise and one of the goals is to learn/comprehend/accept others’ perspective. I will really appreciate if you can take 5 mins to do this. You can send it on the group or DM me. Question: What are 3 universal/timeless truths for YOU?

The responses came in. From the funny, to deeply philosophical — from close family members, to complete strangers. I am humbled to each and everyone. Even if you did not respond, but thought about the question, I am happy.

Here is a compilation of a few responses (names of those who responded have been omitted for privacy):

  1. We all have the same destination but choose to travel in different vehicle
  2. Maulana Ali quote which I hold true and near to me “ Enjoyment passes away, while consequences remain”
  3. Listen to everyone opinions but follow your gut — it never fails you
  1. Time, that is the best and most important thing you can give / share with you near and dear ones
  2. Shukr, at every step of life gives immense peace and pleasure
  3. Respect for self and others
  1. Accept your mistakes. If you never learn to embrace your mistakes, you won’t learn anything. We aren’t perfect.
  2. Live life without regret, you must always overcome challenges and mistakes you made.
  3. Simply live your life. Don’t live with fear. Time will never stop, so therefore as long as your feet are on this planet’s soil, you need to do everything you’ve ever dreamed of/whatever you want to accomplish.
  1. Time never stops
  2. Go with the time flow
  3. Time always teaches you
  1. Your Potential Is Not Determined By Your Success, But By Your Willingness to Fail and Keep Going.
  2. You Can Always Find Greener Grass If You Pay Attention To Where You Water It. Goal is to be grateful always.
  3. Words have power. Actions bring that power to life
  1. Having or chasing unrealistic expectations is the root of all suffering. Expectations from relationships, rewards from efforts, blessings because you “deserve” them …
  2. Change is the only constant. Therefore, one must constantly review, renew, relearn, realign, reorganize, etc.
  3. Giving is getting. The more you give, the more you will get; of knowledge, of money, of blessings, of time, … everything. Giving means gratitude. Gratitude brings contentment, which is the key to lasting happiness.
  1. There is always opportunity in every problem or crisis.
  2. You reap what you sow
  3. Pivot more (80%) towards leveraging your strengths rather than the endless quest of improving your weaknesses.
  1. everything happens for the best even if you can’t see it
  2. there is always someone in a corner rooting for you
  3. change = opportunity
  1. Always believe in a divine being — this helps you stay content and helps you accept things when they don’t go your way
  2. Enlighten yourself to a point where you enjoy the company of your own self thought and reflection.
  3. Keep your search for satisfaction with what you have till the day u die
  1. Always do shukr
  2. Make Goals and try and achieve them. Life without goals has no meaning
  3. time flies so no point regretting it and living in the past. Instead look at new possibilities and blessings that lies ahead of us.
  1. Believe in God and ofcourse believe in yourself.
  2. Time is a best healer
  3. And learn to respect others opinion too.
  1. Change is the only constant
  2. Time is a big healer
  3. You get to know who are the real people in your life, during your tough times
  1. Eat your desserts first.
  2. Love yourself first. All others can wait.
  3. Video games are life skills, not entertainment.
  1. Everybody has their own reasons to do something
  2. Do not overdo for someone its never valued
  3. Be kind to everyone.
  1. The grass is not greener on the other side, it’s greener where you water it;
  2. what you seek is seeking you;
  3. we do not see the world as it is, we see it as we are.
  1. Whatever outlandish achievements you have accomplished, there are others who have excelled even more in their personal or professional lives and have overcome greater challenges that you might never get to know about, so — stay humble
  2. What ever you think your strengths are , if you think your are fast , smart , good at judging people/opportunities etc. All these strengths will inevitably be taken away from you by old age, so contribute in whatever positive way you can today and — stay humble
  3. Whenever you yourself or through somebody else are tempted of having negative thoughts about anyone, at that very moment if you look hard enough within yourself, you will realise that you have major issues of your own, so focus on solving your own inner problems/faults and avoid judging people
  1. Be Thankful for what you have, what you have achieved, where you are at in life.. for being thankful will multiply your blessings.
  2. You have control over your own happiness dont depend on others to make you happy.
  3. Its okay to say No — dont be a people pleaser
  1. Laughter and kindness is contagious
  2. You can’t control what happens, but you can control how you look at it.
  3. Life goes on. This too shall pass. Jo bhi ho kal phir aayega!!
  1. Let today’s problems be enough for today
  2. Live within your means
  3. Don’t confuse religiosity with morality … !!
  1. Time and tide wait for no one!
  2. The enemy of my enemy is my friend!
  3. Loose lips sink ships!
  1. Everyone we meet is for a reason, either our soul needs to learn something from them or vice versa. So be seeking and helpful.
  2. One person can bring a horse to water but 10 can’t make the horse drink it (this helps me a lot in teaching).
  3. Health is the best wealth so take care of yourself.
  1. It’s not the quantity, it’s the quality.
  2. You always want what you can’t have. When you get it, you abuse it. When you abuse it, you lose it.
  3. Some of us have that shit, you can’t teach.
  1. People will think what they think about you, you don’t owe them and explanation for your truth.
  2. Self love is important to be in a relationship. It makes you set higher standards for what you require in any relationship romantic, familial or friendship.
  3. Always be true to yourself and your morals and values.
  1. There is no passion to be found in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.
  2. Find your tribe and go where you feel most alive. Always be in a state of flow.
  3. “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” — Viktor Frankl

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Shabbir Shams
Shabbir Shams

startup founder, foodie, gallivanter, bibliophile and photographer — some days, I’m all 5