OfflineImap to Thunderbird

Shane Dowling
Tech Blog
Published in
2 min readFeb 8, 2014


Last week I moved from Debian to Linux Mint and setup Thunderbird as my
new mail client(replacing mutt). Sadly for some reason Thunderbird
started tanking and wiped all the mails from my mailserver without
actually downloading anything.

I could’ve restored the mails from a backup but instead I figured I’d
take my emails offline and use Thunderbird as my primary mail client. I
had a backup of my mails from OfflineImap but the problem was that
OfflineImap uses the MailDir format and Thunderbird didn’t support it.

Luckily Thunderbird did support maildir and I modified an existing
MailDir to Mbox converter written in Python to work with Offlineimaps
potentially infinitely recursive folder format. Hopefully it helps
someone else.

#!/usr/bin/env python
Shane Dowling, 8 Feb 2013
Frédéric Grosshans, 19 January 2012
Nathan R. Yergler, 6 June 2010
This file does not contain sufficient creative expression to invoke
assertion of copyright. No warranty is expressed or implied; use at
your own risk.
— -Uses Python’s included mailbox library to convert mail archives from
maildir [] to
mbox [] format, icluding subfolder.
See for
full documentation on this library.
— -$ python [maildir_path] [mbox_filename][maildir_path] should be the the path to the actual maildir (containing new,
cur, tmp, and the subfolders, which are hidden directories with names like
[mbox_filename] will be newly created, as well as a [mbox_filename].sbd the
import mailbox
import sys
import email
import os
def maildir2mailbox(maildirname, mboxfilename):
slightly adapted from,
Nathan R. Yergler, 6 June 2010
and Frédéric Grosshans, 19 January 2012
# open the existing maildir and the target mbox file
maildir = mailbox.Maildir(maildirname, email.message_from_file)
mbox = mailbox.mbox(mboxfilename)
# lock the mbox
# iterate over messages in the maildir and add to the mbox
# close and unlock
#Creates the main mailbox
if not os.path.exists(mboxdirname): os.makedirs(mboxdirname)
# Iterate over all folders
def folder_iterate(dirname, mboxname):
listofdirs=[dn for dn in os.walk(dirname).next()[1] if dn not in [‘new’, ‘cur’, ‘tmp’]]
curpath=os.path.join(*[dn+’.sbd’ for dn in curlist if dn])
if not os.path.exists(curpath): os.makedirs(curpath)
print(‘no maildir folders’)
folder_iterate(os.path.join(dirname,curfold), mboxname)
folder_iterate(dirname, mboxname)

