DREAM TEAMS: My New Book & Life’s Work So Far—Plus A Bunch Of Bonuses!

Shane Snow
On Writing and Story
5 min readMar 9, 2018
Everything changes when we look at things differently. Even more when we do so together.

I’ve been waiting a long time to write this post.

Since 2014, I’ve been on a quest. It’s taken me into the bowels of old libraries, down rabbit holes of science, into interviews with celebrities and lunatics, and around the world to places as far north Moscow and as far south as Buenos Aires. (And this on top of my round-the-country speaking schedule for my bureau and company!)

I used to be afraid of airplanes. But after the last four years, I think I could probably fly one.

This quest has resulted in the best thing I’ve ever written. It’s a book called Dream Teams—an adventure that ties together all the threads of my journalism and entrepreneurship career (basically, my life’s work) into something that I think can help make businesses more awesome and the world a better place. And it’s also about pirates.

Dream Teams picks up where I left off with Smartcuts. In that book I explored how innovators use “lateral thinking” to solve problems differently and make big leaps forward. This research inevitably led to a conclusion that I became obsessed with: that we have the greatest potential for breakthrough progress when we put our heads together to think differently as a group—but most of the time groups of people slow or break down instead of accelerating.

At the same time, I had been watching my role change at the company I started in 2010. Whereas I used to do things—build stuff, solve problems, etc.—my job as we grew became more and more helping other people do those things. I had to build the team and create the environment so that they could make smarter decisions than I could on my own.

In an effort to do this new job better, I started exploring the patterns of groundbreaking partnerships, teams, and groups in history—and I quickly concluded that the things that make incredible teams tick are also exactly what we need to fix the biggest problems we have in the world, in society, and even in politics.

And 4 years later, all of that became Dream Teams.

Here’s a quick video I made explaining why this matters so much to me:

The book launches on June 5th. During the next three months, I’m going to be doing a lot of stuff to support the book and help spread the message. And I’d LOVE your help!

<Now here’s the shameless pitch portion of this post />

How you can get involved:

Basically, the most awesome thing you could do is to pre-order a copy (or more) today. This helps get my publisher and all the bookstores excited to promote the book when it comes out. (It’s a virtuous/vicious cycle: more orders means they put more books in the front of the stores, which means more people buy it, which means they print more … chickens and eggs, amiright?)

Now I already know you’re asking, Why would I pre-order a book months ahead of time?

Well, I have an answer!(Besides the above helping-me-out thing.) Here it is:

Get all these free bonuses right now when you pre-order a copy:

If you order a copy before June 5 and send the receipt to karina@shanesnow.com, I’ll give you the following stuff now:

  • The book Prologue, plus two Bonus Chapters
  • My Strategies For Creating Dream Teams Cheat Sheet
  • You’ll be entered into a drawing to have a free signed copy sent to a friend or teammate!
  • Access to highlights from my Dream Teams interviews with:
  • Rapper Raekwon the Chef
  • Author Gretchen Rubin
  • NBA Star Shane Battier
  • General Stanley McChrystal
  • FBI A.D. Jan Fedarcyk
  • And more!

Even more bonuses for pre-ordering 5 copies!

Pre-order copies for a few teammates and send the receipt to karina@shanesnow.com, and get the following:

  • Get everything in the previous package, plus:
  • I’ll mail you a signed book jacket that you can swap out on one of your books
  • I’ll mail you a glossy 13x19" poster of the entire book in miniature
  • I’ll send you a private invite to an in-person happy hour where you can come hang with me and some friends during launch month. (We’ll be doing happy hours in New York, L.A., and Mexico City.)
  • You’ll get 3-months of free access to my private PRO Edition of The Snow Report newsletter

Get a super duper amount of bonuses for 25 copies!

Pre-order here and get a 25% DISCOUNT PER COPY!

  • And get everything in the previous packages, plus:
  • I’ll mail you FIVE signed book jackets to give away to your team
  • I’ll do a video Q&A for you or your team (send me up to 3 questions, and I’ll make a custom video!)
  • A free copy of the DREAM TEAMS companion workbooks: The DT Guide To Building Teams, The DT Guide To Culture & Inclusion, and The DT Guide To Group Creativity

Order 100+ copies for your team or company offsite, and get 40% off, plus more bonuses, time with me:

Check out my order page for the specifics on the rest of the deals I’m doing. But basically if you order 100–1,000 copies for your team, class, bar mitzvah, baby shower, campaign rally, or to build a house out of them—I’m doing custom keynotes and workshops on teamwork and innovation in exchange for book orders, for a limited time.

I’ll end by saying thank you so much to everyone who’s supported, shared, and helped shape my writing over the last several years. I’m so excited for what all of this work has built up to!





Shane Snow
On Writing and Story

Explorer, journalist. Author of Dream Teams and other books. My views are my own. For my main body of work, visit www.shanesnow.com