In This House We Love and Support the Shanghai Dragons

Welcome to Shanghai Dragons Team Mom: the closest thing on the internet to an Overwatch League therapy support group

Ash Parrish
Shanghai Dragons Team Mom
3 min readFeb 22, 2018


“Hello. My name is Ash and I stan the Shanghai Dragons.”

I hear the soft gasps of shock from my group mates. Some look away in embarrassment, unwilling to make eye contact. Some nod in mutual understanding, the Dallas Fuel fans. And a man in a Florida Mayhem hat sheds a single tear in solidarity, they best know my heart.

“I can’t really explain how it happened. For the longest time during Stage 1, I struggled to find any team I could really latch onto. I went through the regulars, Seoul, London, Houston. Then I started toying with the middling teams. I really liked the Gladiators because I imagined all their tweets in Reinhardt’s voice.”

That draws some thin laughter, a few light chuckles and one that ends in a choked off sob from someone in a homemade t-shirt that reads ‘Be Surefour to stay Hydration.’

“But in the end. There’s something about Shanghai that just drew me to them.”

“Was it Geguri?” The group moderator asks, a lady clutched tight to her bootleg Saebyeolbe body pillow.

My mood changes, goes from somber resignation to active excitement. I feel myself perk up, smiling with my whole body.

“Man,” I say, “She helped. She really did. But I was meming about the Dragons before her arrival.”

“I also tried to say I loved all the teams equally. And I kinda do, there’s something about every one of them that I find endearing and stannable.”

I go through my list of reasons why all the teams are worthy of stannage, aware that it’s just a defense mechanism, a distraction keeping me from my true feelings.

NYXL has Pine and Libero and Sae(bae)eolbe.

Seoul has possibly the cutest boy in the League with Ryujehong.

Florida is always there to have a good time and with a record like theirs, I respect their commitment to reminding us all that this is a game and we’re here to have fun.

London…my god. while we were all talking about Seoul, London studied the (Dragon)blade. We just weren’t talking about London with the same energy we were about Seoul and they went on to win Stage 1.

Houston, whenever I think about Houston I weep openly. They might have the most heart: open, bleeding, and obvious heart of all the teams in play. I would protect Muma with my life.

SF Shock with Nomi’s heartening tale about his family and Babybay’s inspiring social media challenge.

Boston Rising Up the ranks to be arguably one of the best ‘western’ teams nobody saw coming.

“But,” I finish my accounting of every OWL Team’s merit. “It’s always gonna be Shanghai for me.”

“So how do you cope?” The moderator asks. “What are you looking to get out of this?”

I give a little thoughtful hum before answering. “Meme’s mostly.” I wait for them to stop laughing before I continue.

“Having that creative outlet and the ability to laugh at the pain that comes from stanning a team that has yet to win a match helps a lot. I’m just really looking for a place to share my crazy and myriad Overwatch League thoughts with like minded people. Memes, humor, shitposting, and the occasional thoughtful discussion.”

She nods, the rest of the group nod with her. They understand.

“Well thank you Ash for sharing all that with us. Any final things to say before we move on?”

“Yes.” I square my shoulders and look everyone of my fellow therapy mates in the eye. A quiet seriousness settles on the group as they await what I say next.

“The minute Chicago announces their team, it’s OVER for you hoes.”



Ash Parrish
Shanghai Dragons Team Mom

I'm the token black chick. The little black dot. Aspiring writer, semi-pro adult, and professional salt lick.