7-year-old boy overcomes autism, makes 100,000 yuan as China’s youngest yoga teacher

Sun Chuyang was introduced to yoga three years ago as a way of treating his autism, now it’s become a career

2 min readFeb 6, 2018


While some kids are busy opening up lemonade stands to make a few bucks, one 7-year-old from Zhejiang province has already made a fortune working as a professional yoga teacher.

Sun Chuyang from Taizhou city has been learning yoga for the past three years. Last year, he received a certificate officially making him a yoga teacher, the youngest in China, according to report that has gone viral this month on Chinese social media.

In his occupation, Sun teaches yoga to other children in group classes. He has trained more than 100 students, netting him 100,000 yuan so far.

When Sun was 2 years old he was diagnosed with autism. His mom then quit her job to spend more time with him and help him overcome his symptoms. Eventually, she introduced him to yoga and found that he had a talent for it.

His teacher recalled that while Sun didn’t talk much, he was able to remember every move perfectly.

Sun’s mom says that yoga has helped her son to break out of his shell and overcome autism, encouraging him to become more talkative and outgoing. Meanwhile, Sun says that while he isn’t very good at yoga right now, he plans to keep working hard until he is.

“My dream is to become China’s best yoga teacher,” he says.

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[Images via 一条视频]

