After living together for half a year, woman discovers her ‘boyfriend’ is a woman

She only found this out after spending 300,000 yuan on her ‘boyfriend’ before ‘he’ vanished
3 min readJan 8, 2018


In November, a divorced woman was shocked when her boyfriend of more than one year left her without a word. However, she was even more stunned by what she found out a short time later.

According to a report from the Nanguo Metropolis Daily, relayed by NetEase, Wang Qi is a 40-year-old divorced woman from Zhejiang Province who met someone new online in 2016. Wang tried to explain to this apparently younger man surnamed Qian that they would simply not be compatible, as she was divorced with a child. However, her protests failed to dissuade Qian from pursuing her.

The two quickly grew closer and began dating in June 2016. The following year, they moved in together and Qian even took Wang to his home city of Haikou to meet his parents.

However, their relationship came to a rather abrupt end in November 2017 when Qian suddenly disappeared. He did not answer his phone and he had changed his WeChat account name, causing Wang to believe that he had found a new girlfriend.

But Wang refused to let him get away without a word of explanation, particularly considering the fact that she had spent around 300,000 yuan on him. She began to search all over for Qian and in the process discovered something that she did not expect. Her estranged boyfriend’s identification card listed him as female.

Following that shocking revelation, Wang began to think about details of their relationship. She told reporters that Qian was flat-chested and did not look like a woman, adding that “he” would always use the men’s bathroom in public places.

Although they would regularly sleep together in the same bed and were affectionate towards each other, they had yet to have sexual intercourse with Qian maintaining that they should wait until marriage, Wang explained.

Believing that she had been scammed, Wang made the trip to Haikou to confront Qian’s parents. However, Qian’s father said that Wang was a liar and that she was falsely accusing Qian because of a financial dispute.

He added that Qian was his only daughter, but that from childhood she had always been a “tomboy” and liked to dress up in men’s clothes. However, he insisted that this was only a kind of “hobby” for her.

It’s not clear if Qian actually identifies as a man or a woman. Either way, “he” does not appear to have been a great boyfriend.

Back in 2016, a Henan man was similarly surprised to find out that his “pregnant bride” was actually a man after “she” vanished three days after their wedding, taking with “her” gifts and valuables worth tens of thousands of yuan.

[Images via NetEase]

