Asshole intentionally pushes monkey into pool, flees in terror as monkeys counter-attack

The tourist suffered an injury to his hands after being besieged by angry temple monkeys
1 min readApr 25, 2018


If a Planet of the Apes situation ever does happen, we won’t be able to say that we didn’t deserve it.

A video has gone viral on Chinese social media of a tourist at a temple in Fujian province pushing an unsuspecting monkey into a pool.

However, the cheap shot wasn’t quite as effective as the man had hoped. Almost immediately, the enraged monkey jumps back up and goes on the counterattack as the man flees for safety inside one of the temple buildings.

However, he’s not safe there for long as another monkey that witnessed the bullying charges straight in. Unfortunately, the clip cuts off there.

But, according to the temple management, the tourist sustained injuries to his hands in the clash before fellow human inside of the building were able to help drive the monkeys away.

Watch on QQ video.

[Image via]

