China is building the world’s first solar-powered highway

But is that really such a good idea?
2 min readDec 19, 2017


You think solar-powered cars are cool? Well, you’re right. They absolutely are. But hey, how about solar-powered roads?

Speaking of, the world’s first solar-powered highway is expected to be completed by the end of this year on the outskirts of Jinan, Shandong province, providing a 2-km long source of green energy.

According to the People’s Daily, the highway is made up of three layers: “a protective surface layer made of transparent concrete, a middle layer of solar-powered batteries to generate electricity, and an insulation layer to prevent dampness below.”

Neato, right?

Well, while this may be the world’s first solar-powered highway, it is not the first solar-powered road. That honor goes to a 1 km road in Tourouvre-au-Perche, a small village in Normandy, France. And, as The Verge notes, it’s not clear if this kind of technology is the most efficient use of resources as flat solar panels collect less energy than angled ones. Also, wouldn’t the panels get, like, really, really dirty and beaten up? Guess we’ll find out.

The cost of this piece of solar-paneled highway has not been reported, but the road in France cost $5.2 million for 30,000 square feet of solar panels — which apparently isn’t very impressive. Commenters noted that it would make a lot more sense to just line those panels up on the side of the road, or, even better, just put them on roofs.

Still, a little impracticality has never before stopped China in its quest to build the world’s first, biggest, longest, etc things. As far as solar energy goes, the country is already home to the world’s largest floating solar farm, and the world’s largest solar farm that’s shaped like a panda.

[Images via People’s Daily]

