China’s little ‘Ice Boy’ arrives in Beijing for ‘dream vacation’

The 8-year-old had never before left his hometown in rural Yunnan province.
3 min readJan 19, 2018


A little boy from rural Yunnan province who moved hearts across the country last week is currently living out his dream of visiting Beijing.

Last Monday morning, 8-year-old Wang Fuman entered his Zhuanshanbao Primary School in mountainous Zhaotong County with his hair and eyebrows covered in frost. To get to school each day, Wang must walk 4.5 kilometers. On that particular morning, he had to make the hour-long trek as temperatures dropped to a frigid -8 degrees Celsius outside.

The photo of a nearly frozen Wang quickly went viral on Chinese social media, turning him into a viral superstar, dubbed “Ice Boy” (冰花男孩) and completely changing his life, as well as the lives of many other impoverished children in Yunnan province.

Suddenly, Wang was being interviewed by media outlets from across the country. He told them that when he grows up he wants to become a police officer so he can help catch bad people, that his New Year’s resolution is to study hard and make some money to buy medicine for his sick grandma, and that the place he most wants to visit is Beijing, so he can see how students there study.

Wang had never before left his home village. He lived in a ramshackle home with his sister and elderly grandmother. His mother had left the family and his father was a migrant worker, returning home only once or maybe twice a year.

But that one photo has changed everything for the little boy. Last week, his father returned home to deal with his son’s newfound fame and has been offered a construction job nearby. His family has also received more than 10,000 yuan in donations and they recently arrived in Beijing for a three-day “dream vacation.”

While in China’s capital city, Wang is expected to visit the People’s Public Security University of China where he will meet instructors and students and learn what training to become a police officer is like.

Because Wang often gets sick when travelling by car, his dad was worried about the plane trip of more than 2,000 kilometers. However, Wang was less concerned, “I’m not afraid, going to Beijing is better than anything!” he told reporters.

