Doctors pull lighter out of man’s stomach after he swallowed it 20 years ago

It’s not clear what happened two decades ago that made the man think that eating a lighter was a good idea
2 min readApr 18, 2018


Mistakes that you made in the past, even decades ago, can still come back to haunt you.

Case in point: one middle-aged man in Sichuan province walked into a hospital recently, complaining of stomach pain and blood in his stool.

To figure out what the problem was, doctors performed a gastroscopy and discovered what appeared to be an incendiary device inside the man’s stomach.

In a Knews report, one of the doctors said that the foreign object was “long and black,” leading them to suspect that it was most likely a lighter.

When questioned with this evidence, the man said that — now that you mention it — he did recall swallowing a lighter some 20 years ago. However, he said that the lighter had never caused him any trouble until now.

Doctors were able to successfully remove the lighter. After two decades spent sitting inside the man’s stomach, it had become severely corroded. It’s not clear if the lighter ever leaked fluid into the man’s insides.

It’s also unclear why he decided to swallow the lighter in the first place.

Watch on QQ video.

