Elderly woman dies after trying to jump onto moving train, falling into gap

More than 30 passengers and workers tried to push the 45-ton train carriage, but were unable to rescue her in time.

2 min readMay 28, 2018


Tragedy struck on Sunday morning at a train station in Taiwan when an elderly woman attempted to jump onto a moving train.

The 78-year-old woman was taking the train to the city of Taitung with her husband. However, after finding her seat, she realized that she had left her bag outside on the platform.

In surveillance camera footage, the woman is seen hustling off the train to go grab her bag. Unfortunately, after she gets out, the train starts to slowly leave the station.

After grabbing her bag, the woman dashes to get back on the train and tries to climb through the door, but instead ends up accidentally falling into the gap between the train and platform.

A worker quickly sounds the alarm and brings the train to a stop. However, the woman is now stuck and in serious trouble.

About 12 minutes later, a group of more than 30 passengers and railway station workers are seen trying with all their collective might to push the 45-ton train carriage to free the woman.

Rescue workers also soon arrived at the scene, but by then it was already too late.

You can watch the footage below, viewer discretion is advised:

Watch on QQ video.

