Glass door at Chengdu shopping mall explodes in kid’s face while he plays with it

The kid’s mom says that her son has become very introverted after the accident, and is seeking 200,000 yuan in compensation
2 min readApr 6, 2018


In yet another cautionary tale about the durability of doors, a glass door at a Chengdu shopping mall exploded last month while being played with by a couple of kids.

Surveillance footage shows a woman shopping for a cell phone at an Apple Store inside the mall while two young boys play with the glass door behind her. When the younger boy pushes the door open all the way, it suddenly shatters, raining down shards of glass onto the poor kid’s face.

Immediately, the mom turns around, grabs her crying son, and rushes off to the hospital.

Watch on QQ video.

The 4-year-old kid named Meng Meng received a number of scars on his face from the accident. His mom says that ever since then he has become very introverted at school. Worried that the incident will affect her son’s growth and development, she is seeking 200,000 yuan in compensation from the store.

Meanwhile, the store’s manager has argued that the store and mother ought to share the blame for the accident, contending that parents have a responsibility to watch over their children in public places.

[Images via 1视频]

