Grandma brutally beats granddaughter for asking to buy something at supermarket

Not all grandmothers are nice and sweet
1 min readMar 29, 2018


In a shocking surveillance video clip from a supermarket in Yueyang, Hunan province, a grandmother is seen hitting her granddaughter a total of 23 times in 28 seconds.

The woman appears to be set off when the little girl takes some item, likely asking her grandma to buy it for her. Instead, the grandmother responds by raining down slaps and kicks on the poor kid, who can only cry on the floor.

Even after a supermarket clerk intervenes, the woman continues her assault on the kid, getting in a few final blows as the scared child clings to the worker.

Watch on QQ video.

After the surveillance clip was released, it quickly exploded on local WeChat circles. The grandmother soon made an angry trip back to the supermarket, pointing out that her daughter-in-law was with her and daring the employees to go to the police.

The situation is now under investigation, according to Knews.

On Weibo, netizens have blamed the incident on the traditional Chinese preference for boys over girls (重男轻女), arguing that the woman would have never delivered such a beating to a male “little emperor.”

