Guangxi tourists tricked into paying 15 yuan to see hundreds of plastic butterflies

First fake penguins, now fake butterflies
2 min readDec 14, 2017


Tourists in Guangxi showed up to a “Dinosaur and Butterfly” exhibition last weekend, only to find that the butterflies there were just as fake as the dinosaurs.

Advertisements for the event in a park in Masha county promised that visitors would get to see “thousands” of dancing butterflies, which they could even let land on their finger.

However, when they arrived, tourists found only a few hundred plastic butterflies stuck into the dirt at random. The dissatisfied visitors, who had paid 15 yuan to get in, quickly began snapping photos and recording video.

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Despite the lack of customer satisfaction, the company behind the event is claiming that they did not actually deceive anyone. An employee told that while the ad may have exaggerated a bit, it was not false. “Can’t a plastic butterfly land on your finger?” the employee asked.

Local tourism officials are now investigating the incident.

Sooner or later, the good people of Guangxi are going to wise up to these kind of shenanigans. Just a few weeks ago, a zoo in the same autonomous region managed to trick visitors into paying 15 yuan to see a bunch of inflatable penguins with ads that promised a collection of rare animals and a “penguin invasion.”

A park in the Jiangsu city of Nantong used the very same scam back in September to promote its so-called “polar exhibition.”

[Images via]

