Kid sneaks on train, travels 300km to Shanghai Disneyland, only to be stopped at front gate

So close, yet so far away
2 min readApr 9, 2018


Desperate to go to the happiest place on earth, a 10-year-old boy managed to sneak onto a high-speed train last week and travel 300 kilometers to Shanghai, only to be stopped at the gates of the promised land.

Unfortunately for the kid, Shanghai Disneyland workers called the cops after he tried to enter the theme park alone last Thursday. But, rather than simply give up on his hopes and dreams, the determined boy still attempted to talk his way inside, urging the responding police officer to pose as his guardian so he could enter the resort or at least find someone else who would.

While this might seem a bit brazen, the kid said that he had already had success talking his way onto the bullet train back in Nanjing, telling a railway attendant that his parents were already inside the train.

In his talk with the police officer, recorded on her body cam, the boy was reluctant to give up too much information about himself, asking the officer why she needed to know his name and claiming that he could only remember half of his mom’s phone number.

Eventually, the officer was able to get in contact with the kid’s mother in Nanjing, who had been frantically searching for her lost son who had been missing since the previous night. The mom then rushed to the train station and took the next train to Shanghai.

The boy said that his journey to Disneyland had been spurred by an argument with his dad, who he said had quite the temper. Initially, he had planned to go to Beijing, but decided on Shanghai instead.

Upon arriving in Shanghai late last Wednesday night, he took a bus to the Bund and ended up sleeping in an underground passageway until dawn. After playing for a while at the Bund, he took the subway to Disneyland where he was finally caught.

