Kim Jong Un makes second trip to China, meets with Xi Jinping in Dalian

The two even had a romantic stroll along the beach together
2 min readMay 8, 2018


Kim Jong Un has apparently been bitten by the travel bug.

After making his first-ever trip abroad as the leader of North Korea in late-March to meet with Xi Jinping in Beijing, Kim has once again crossed the border to chat with Xi, this time in the northeastern seaside city of Dalian.

China’s official Xinhua news agency has published photos and an official account of the two leaders’ second face-to-face meeting, which lasted for two days and included a romantic stroll along the beach on Tuesday.

Just like last time, both Xi and Kim seem to have spent much of their time extolling the importance of the traditional friendship and renewed bond between China and North Korea.

According to Xinhua, Kim decided to make a second trip to China in order to inform Xi about the situation on the Korean Peninsula, which appears to be undergoing some rather monumental changes.

Since Kim visited Beijing in March, the ever-looming threat of nuclear war seems to have been washed away with Kim and South Korean President Moon Jae-in meeting in a historic summit in the demilitarized zone between the two countries and pledging to finally end their 68-year-long war and work together to achieve the complete denuclearization of the peninsula.

Previously, it had been reported that Xi was planning to visit North Korea in late May or early June. It’s not clear how those plans are developing, but Xi expressed his willingness to meet again with Kim.

Photo from their Beijing meeting in March.

While Kim famously made his last trip to China by high-security train, it appears that this time he went by plane. Unlike his father, Kim Jong Un has no fear of flying.

