LOOK: Tourists get stuck in mother of all traffic jam outside scenic Shaanxi village

You might just want to stay home this week

2 min readFeb 16, 2018


The Chinese New Year has officially begun and nowhere is that more evident than in a scenic village in Shaanxi province where thousands of tourists found themselves in traffic hell earlier today.

Photos have hit the Chinese internet showing the mother of all traffic jams outside of the entrance to Yuanjia village with cars lined up for 4 kilometers in front of an intersection that’s been turned into a parking lot.

Yuanjia village is a National AAA Level Scenic Spot. Located close to the cities of Xi’an and Xianyang, at the foot of the hill where Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty was buried, the village is noted for its traditional delicacies and architecture with a plethora of snack stalls and buildings made to look historic.

Though, it’s not clear exactly how many of these tourists actually got to sample the fried scorpions.

[Images via NetEase]

